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26...The United Kingdom In The European Union, Brexit

    Ideas 26...The UK in the EU

    images my ideas 26/26 WC François Walschaerts Berlaymont_building, Belgian.jpg
  1. WC François Walschaerts: European Union HQ, Berlaymont Building, Brussels, Belgium

  2. I believe that the UK (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland) should withdraw from the EU (European Union). The creation of the euro without normalisation of taxes, benefits, pensions, a central treasury, earnings, workplace standards, foreign policy and law clearly shows that it is nothing more than an expensive gentlemen's club, and I don't go to gentlemen's clubs. Closing down coal mines in the UK as they open elsewhere in the EU, whilst trying to counter global warming, is crazy. Failure to provide a paper trail for EU grants whilst printing large denomination euro banknotes is unforgivable, and inevitably leads to fraud on a massive scale.

  3. I believed in a United States of Europe, but I now believe that it is too late to create it. The human race urgently needs a world technocracy (WT) accompanied with an end to unrestricted capitalism and all of its associated ills. It is clear to me that it is not going to emerge from a greater EU, and probably not from the United Nations (UN).

  4. The fact is that hardly any EU member state wants multi-racialism. All they want are hand-outs from rich EU members and the right of free travel, through the Schengen Zone agreement, in order to steal our jobs in the UK. The sooner we are out, the sooner we can sink those inflatable speed boats, they let through, and wave them goodbye from the white cliffs of Dover.

  5. images my ideas 26/26 WC The First Class Travel Guide, Euro_symbol,_Frankfurt_Germany_(27447364593).jpg
  6. WC The First Class Travel Guide:
    Euro Symbol, Frankfurt Financial Centre, Germany

  7. We have the European Commission prepared to pay billions of euros to 'help refugees' stay in Turkey, a NATO member that's turning into a dictatorship, and trying to arm twist its way into the EU, whilst Greece wants more reparations from Germany, both letting millions of refugees pour across their borders in order to get what they want, with help from Russia who are bombing the hell out of the Syrians.

  8. I will rejoice when I see Vladimir Putin as fiddler on the roof of the Kremlin singing, "If I was a rich man", when those millions of refugees from the middle east and north Africa finally bring down the EU and NATO, because I'm sick to death of generations of prevarication, due to brainless nationalism at the UN, EU and elsewhere. Change in attitude is not going to come about through the ballot box, at least not this side of an apocalypse. I could be wrong in that however, judging by the attitude of many US voters who appear to be hell bent on destroying the Republican Party and the US democratic system and thereby the constitution by voting for Donald Trump. I must admit he does possess the body language of the Italian dictator Mussolini. All I can say is good luck to you, and may a technocracy come out of it all.

  9. Churchill was right. We should have stayed in the empire. Assuming the UK pulls out of the EU and there is no balanced trading agreement between the two, then many UK companies will have to enter new markets, particularly in the Commonwealth. Will HMG be training the numbers of salesmen required?

  10. The Referendum on June 23rd, 2016 resulted in a call for the UK to pull out of the European Union. 52% voted for withdrawal whilst 48% voted to stay. Scotland, Northern Ireland, London, Liverpool, Plymouth and Manchester voted to stay. It was not a clear majority. In some countries a two thirds majority is needed in order to effect change. In some cases there was a link between affluence and the decision to stay or not. Since this was only the third referendum in the UK, many people, me included, looked at the big picture and decided that only political chaos was going to create a technocracy within the UK. Both EU bureaucrats and UK politicians had taken the electorate for granted. I was to get much more than I bargained for.

  11. images my ideas 26/26 WC European Parliament, Strasbourg.jpg
  12. WC: European Parliament, Strasbourg, France

  13. The pound is falling in value again. I have thousands of pounds in my current account, and have no idea what to do with it. I sense an air of foreboding. We are about to cross the Rubicon. Whilst other countries have their five year economic plan, ours appears to be measured in minutes. The automotive industry is threatening to leave the UK. The gutters around here haven't been cleaned properly in years. I can't see how they can be cleaned by those puny machines the council has, as the dirt has taken up permanent residence. A clear symbol to everyone that the council doesn't give a toss.

  14. I can't understand why HMG is so keen to leave the EU. There will be no second referendum, whilst the Good Friday Agreement establishing an open border between NI and Eire, will be replaced by concrete, barbed wire, machine guns, and mine fields presumably. But hardly anyone in Ireland wants that. Surely HMG is not thinking of another thirty-eight years of live fire training for the British Army? Scrapping the Good Friday agreement would prevent any trade deal with the USA, if congress has its way. Is HMG really thinking of joining the United States and the US dollar? Would the Irish Republic join too? Do we really want to see our NHS and welfare state trashed? Our pharmaceutical industry undermined by US imports? The death penalty reintroduced? See all of our efforts to reduce C0² emissions come to nothing? No, they wouldn't do that, would they? .....Yes, they would, rather than kowtow to the European Commission whilst begging to join the euro at some ridiculously low rate of exchange. By the way, a kow tow consists of three kneelings, each with the forehead touching the ground.

  15. Imagine it. Parliament has been suspended (prorogued). The PM announces to the media from number ten, that we are out of the EU, a hard Brexit. In the next breath he says, "fortunately, due to the special understanding we have, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are now the 51st to 54th states of the USA, not including Washington DC, Puerto Rico and the Irish Republic." By now MP's are getting to know their motor yachts, moored in the American Virgin Islands, provided free by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Harold Wilson Memorial Fund. As for the rest of us, we've been sold down the drain again. This is what happens to a nation whose politicians always opt for the easy way out. There is no way that they will be able to put together a viable economic plan that will save us and our currency after Brexit. They know it, and the European Commission knows it too. We will become insignificant, nothing more than an economic back-water of Facebook.

  16. As of January the first, twenty twenty-one, we are now out of the European Union. Northern Ireland has got its border running through the Irish sea and the politicians in London have got a deal. But it's clear they didn't read the small print as fishermen and stage artists are furious, the latter over the need for visas for short performances on the continent. What happens next. Will it be a phoney war? Personally I'd like to quit the rain sodden UK and retire in that place in the sun. All's well that ends well. Well did it?

  17. images my ideas 26/26 WC Andrew Netzler, Euro_banknotes.png
  18. WC Andrew Netzler: Euro Banknotes

  19. In the months after leaving the EU, employers bemoaned the fact that they couldn't find enough workers, particularly long distance HGV drivers. The profession fails to attract drivers due to loneliness, crime, boring long distance motorways, unwelcoming service areas, air pollution, noise, unloading the lorry after a full day's driving and too much time away from the family. Europe is thought to be short of about 400,000 HGV drivers. I France a driver can expect €50,000, whilst in the UK some drivers are now on £70,000 p.a. It then occurred to me what the European Union really is. It is simply a source of cheap labour, which denies our workers a decent standard of living, as by being here they depress wages and create unemployment for British citizens in the UK. But it's worse than that. When you look at the top income tax rated countries across the EU, you realise that when the rich members like the UK, France, Austria, Denmark, etc. hand out regional aid to the low income tax rated countries like the Czech Republic, Estonia and Hungary, we are in effect subsidizing their life style. It's crazy and grossly unfair. The EU is rubbish, and I'm glad the UK is out of it.