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32...The Education System

    Ideas 32...The Education System

    images my ideas 32/32 WC Preply Images Maths_Tutor.jpg
  1. WC Preply: Maths Tutor Drawing on White Board

  2. After twenty years as a student in education and training, and having accomplished almost nothing in life, I am inclined to say that all that time, effort and money was a complete waste. That maybe an overstatement, but the fact is that classrooms have changed hardly at all since my school days in the early 1960s. I educated my ex-wife in 1983 using a Texas Instruments Speak & Spell (tablet) and a Sinclair Spectrum computer running education software. It worked! That was over thirty-five years ago. To put it bluntly, our education system is umpteen years out of date, and there is no excuse for this complacency. A nation's economy can only be as good as its education and training system. Being a developed nation with an economy that should be at the cutting edge of technology, there must be an education and training system to match. Clearly there exists no incentive for this to happen. Course content needs to be dictated directly by employers and professional guilds, and not from government. The course content, exams and marking must all be computer based.

  3. However, memorising what is contained in a software based syllabus in order to pass a software based exam is not enough. The major failing in the UK economy is to do with communication. School children and students are not taught how to use and maintain mobile phones, fax machines, copying machines, construct emails and business letters, but just as important, they are not encouraged to engage in public speaking. Only once did I give a speech to the class. That's not enough to bring people out, namely rid them of their introvert mentality that will seriously affect their career prospects later on. In addition, with the ever growing presence of ethnic minorities, not to mention regional dialects, it is clear that many students that graduate, are unable to speak clear colloquial English. Elocution lessons would not be a wasted investment. There also need to be lessons in positive thinking and risk taking. This is the fundamental reason why the US economy is so much more productive than ours in the UK.

  4. At school I was beaten by teachers with a slipper, once for failing a French exam and the another for repeating an experiment in the physics lab as the teacher watched. I took this abuse out on my younger brother, who then ended up in hospital, having been hit by a car. My parents never discussed this with me. To them children should be seen and not heard. Whenever my father got dressed to go out I would often ask him where he was going, to which he would reply, "I'm going to see a man about a dog" (meaning, mind your own business). I never had a long meaningful conversation with my parents. My mother was always too busy nagging my father to death. It is problems like these that result in children becoming introvert. This problem must be seriously addressed by government if the nation's economy is to expand. Creating single parent families is a step in the wrong direction, particularly when some of these ill behaved children then go out and stab a complete stranger to death, usually egged on by other young misfits.

  5. Education begins at day one. The day you are born. Disappointingly, there appears to be no research on the subject. It is necessary to engage those brain cells whilst they are still being created by stem cells. Mothers should be required to attend nursery school in order to be trained on how to educate their babies. They should be looked upon as an investment worth developing and engaging with. Children must learn how to read and access internet based educational programs at the earliest age possible. All course literature and exams would be computer based, created by a central body. Content would have to be approved by employers. Computer rooms should be laid out like language centres, so that school children can learn at their own rate, and not en masse through a blackboard / whiteboard culture. Seperate classrooms should be for lectures only, conducted in the mornings, with practical subjects, sport, engineering, science and the arts conducted in the afternoon. Course content should be person specific since all brains are different, whilst children all have different motivators for learning, and learn at different rates. Something which local authorities and some political parties appear to ignore. Classes should extend into the evening to cover acting, music, etc, rather than see children go home to play computer games, or cause trouble on the streets.

  6. images my ideas 32/32 WC mcmacademy Manchester_Creative_and_Media_Class_Room.jpg
  7. WC MCM Academy: Manchester Creative & Media Class Room, UK

  8. Computer based interactive education and training, employing laptop's running augmented 3D virtual reality and AI, should be available to everyone at home and at school / workplace. Candidates studying the same subject would form a class over the internet, to stimulate competition and group based assistance.

  9. The education timetable should be as follows:

  10. 1...Primary Education: Mathematics, English, Literature, History, Geography, IT, Sport, Social Code, First Aid, Survival Skills.

  11. 2...Secondary Education: Sport, Arts & Craft (painting, ceramics, music, metalwork, woodwork, etc.), Science (physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology), Verbal Communication with Parents

  12. HMG should also include life science, also known as social awareness, including welfare benefits, pensions & investments; driving licence & a car; buying a home; job training in the armed forces, etc.; contraception and population control; human relationships & effective communication; constitution & democracy; free speech & protest; a will & funeral. With the shortage of over one million workers in January 2022, it's clear to me that 16 to 18 year olds should endure work experience in numerous environments, including shift work in 3 month modules, in the following: factory production line, office environment, emergency services, food processing, defence, public utilities, civil service, merchant navy, computer programming & software development, warehousing, driving, maintenance, etc. since we are currently producing a work shy nation, made even more so by children inheriting their parent's wealth and then immigrating to warmer climates to embrace that leisure orientated ideal. HMG must improve the working environment, no more psycho Billy managers with dilapidated equipment in a cold, damp, noisy and dangerous environment, whilst it is also necessary to restore family values in order to incentivise people into employment. No more divorce, no more government handouts directly to women, no more nagging, plus marriages arranged by government. Approved workers will work at approved establishments from where HMG will receive an annual employee report from the employer, thereby circumventing the problem of obtaining job references. Above all our graduates must be trained to think positive, be inquisitive think out of the box, have vision and work as a team, without which it's unlikely that a science based economy and society in this country will materialize.

  13. images my ideas 32/32 WC Mbrickn BGSU_Architecture_Classroom.jpg
  14. WC Mbrickn: Architecture Classroom, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA

  15. Government needs to spend considerably more money on course content, and far less on buildings, whilst HVAC should be considered essential, in order to prevent school children and students from dozing off. Acoustics also need improving. As technology advances, the courses must be kept up to date. The introduction of software applications is reducing drastically the need for long courses, from 4 years part time to just a month or two. In some cases jobs have been wiped out completely, leaving only uninviting low paid semi-skilled employment because government has failed to create a more exciting science based society and economy.

  16. Our education system appears to be more concerned with ensuring the job security of staff, than investing in the future of our civilisation. HMG's failure to invest heavily in education, as well as research and development, as patents and copyrights expire and companies relocate to be closer to markets in a global economy, are the major causes of a declining economy, and hence tax revenue, at a time when paying off the national debt is paramount. This problem is likely to become more acute when the UK pulls out of the EU, if spending on R& D is to be maintained at the present level.

  17. An alternative to education at school is of course home learning. Since people learn at different rates, and like to learn different subjects, don't you think it would be better for people, including children, to learn at home, inside an education/training capsule? This would be linked to the Department for Education's AI via the internet. The subjects would be locked into it whilst the parents were out working, and motivated through being rewarded with food provided by an AI controlled auto dispenser, computer game or music break. Being mass produced, they would be cheaper than a school, ideal for sparsely populated areas, and for the teaching of obscure subjects. They would also be perfect for periods where schools are shut down due to viral outbreaks, etc.

  18. images my ideas 32/32 WC Bernard Gagnon Zagreb_University_Music_Academy.jpg
  19. WC Bernard Gagnon: Zagreb University Music Academy, Croatia

  20. The following is a reply on MSN (Microsoft Edge) to ISAs, explained by TV's financial adviser Martin Lewis. Replying to articles on MSN is a way of letting off steam.

  21. I am a worthless ignorant peasant. I know I am a worthless ignorant peasant because that's how I've been treated all of my life by the British establishment. Until this year I thought that the ISA allowance was a one off allowance, whereas it is an annual increase. This is what happens when life studies are not taught at school. You know, welfare benefit system, pensions, getting a job, sexual satisfaction & LGBTQIA, marriage and child upbringing, buying a car and home, basic IT skills, IT and banking security, finding a descent partner, creating and managing a personal investment portfolio, constitution & politics, inventing & how to set up a business, training & higher education, workers rights and trade unions, law & punishment, how to find information, etc. You know, all the things that are truly important in life that the British establishment doesn't want you to know. And it don't want you to know about life studies does it, or you would be all questioning our unwritten constitution, which implies that all of our politicians are in parliament under false pretences.

  22. As for this article, I assume it's all to do with people wanting to buy their first home, which doesn't apply to me, because I want to sell my home. I've had enough of the British climate as it's so dark my flowers won't bloom, I can't see a GP because there aren't any to see, so my application for attendance allowance is incomplete, whilst the threat of £250 per month energy bills terrifies me, as we slide towards WWIII over how to get some Russian to slit his throat. ISAs are the last thing on my mind, now that I realise that global warming, national health service collapse and survivalism should be added to our non-existent life studies.

  23. Keep up the good work Martin Lewis, but I can't help thinking you should be PM or chancellor. This is a nation of square pegs in round holes. We need a world-technocracy-now.

  24. After years as a student, accomplishing nothing in life. All that time, effort and money was a complete waste. There are students now doing courses in IT and psychology, with the deliberate intension to commit fraud in later life, having seen their parent's dreams and aspirations shattered by unrestricted capitalism. They would rather by fraudsters, than do a difficult degree in technocracy. This civilisation is imploding.