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9...Internet Based Television

    Ideas 9...Internet Based Television

    images my ideas 9/9 WC ‎al , tanawi‎ تردد_قناة‎.jpg
  1. WC al tanawi: 'No Signal' Sign

  2. Today there are so many TV channels on my smart TV that it takes me at least half an hour to select my viewing itinerary for the day from the EPG (Electronic Programme Guide), resulting in RSI (repetitive strain injury), a temporary paralysis of the hand. There are retail channels, others with soft porn, but the majority contain loads of repeat programmes accompanied by a heavy sprinkling of advertisements, roughly every fifteen or twenty minutes. I prefer watching current affairs, documentaries that I can learn from and a good movie. There are no educational programmes, not even during the Covid-19 lockdown. I regard it as a pitiful misuse of technology.

  3. The future of commercial television lies on the internet, where viewers can watch programmes on demand and where programme producers can make their products available direct (rather than through expensive TV channel providers), whilst earning more revenue through global advertising. Such a system provides an incentive for programme producers to create programmes of high quality, to appeal to more viewers, whose person specific advertising creates the returns necessary for future investment in the industry. Adverts should be interactive, enabling the viewer to stop the programme to enable purchasing, or requesting more info about, of the advertised product. It should also be possible to tell the Global iPlayer search engine what types of programmes and adverts you are interested in viewing. For instance, you may want information about power station builders. The program would list the names of British companies, exactly what they make, plus their website. The website would incorporate a path to the sales department. Now what car manufacturer does that, never mind a power station builder? This is how you get the nation out of debt.

  4. British television is currently so poor in quality that often I prefer to play solitaire on my PC whilst listening to my mp3s instead. It is simply too negative, only basically informative, mind numbingly repetitive and unimaginative.

  5. By failing to manage society at first hand HMG has created a society with declining moral standards. Freedom can be a curse, when you've got too much of it. Television is by far the cause of much of this nation's ills. Programmes promote house purchase and buy to let, as if they want economic chaos. Programs on cooking promote our obese diabetic social standards, whilst risque scenes in soap operas promote sexually transmitted infections, drug taking and a general degradation of social values. Programmes on automobiles promote a vroom vroom mentality, whilst totally ignoring new eco-friendly technology. British television is tripe, consisting largely of easy to produce cheap soap operas from CSI to Coronation Street. It falls far short of what I regard as entertainment, with at least one murder per night. Like the Internet, it has been destroyed by our love of freedom. With the introduction of AI I simply do not see our human population surviving, as the majority do not possess the right mentality. The human brain should be enhanced by electronic implants (Cyborgs) or bio engineering, but in the absence of such technology, at least let us have programmes that promote intelligence, and do not become a soul destroying addiction. Are inspirational, particularly for children.

  6. I well remember how it use to be when television started broadcasting in the 1950s. In those days TV programmes for kids were truly jaw dropping with series like Jerry Anderson puppets, the Buccaneers, William Tell, Hop Along Cassidy, Zoro. Now its chat shows, pop songs and time consuming dribble, and Newsround, as if there were not enough news programmes already, not to mention eternal repeats. In my opinion television programmes are a major cause of ailments resulting from a lack of mental and physical exertion, leading to senile dementia, obesity, diabetes and osteoporosis. The importance of reducing the cost of treatment in an ageing society must be one of the EC's primary concerns. In an ageing society government needs to take positive steps to reverse this trend, by tackling the causes.

  7. Television needs to be more interesting, educational and interactive, not something you sit in front of and doze off. The EC's supported P2P NEXT file sharing video streaming television is definitely the way to go. It should be shown via terrestrial and satellite, and also placed on a more secure and truthful European Union Web (euw) rather than www. EU TV companies should collaborate more to produce more numerous high quality programmes like the series Das Boat and Rome. At the present time advertising revenue is falling, whilst the TV licence fee of 145-50 pounds per annum (April 2016) is exorbitant considering all the repeats and pathetic content. OFCOM suggested in April 2008 that the TV licence fee be reallocated by 2011. More recently, a leaked letter suggests that OFCOM will permit ITV to reduce local news content, with the loss of hundreds of jobs. ISPs presently want the BBC to contribute to upgrading the Internet, whilst Channel 4 is also looking for support. With the predicted switch from personally owned cars to taxis driven by AI, the amount of automotive advertising (cars, insurance, AA) on television will reduce considerably, no doubt placing even greater pressure for the TV licence revenue to be more evenly distributed amongst channels, as many viewers refuse to pay it, particularly in south Birmingham where the reception has been terrible for years. On many occasions I can receive either BBC or independent channels, not both, due to construction of tall buildings in the city centre. I have been told by aerial installers that even reception from aerials on twenty storey blocks of flats can be problematical.

  8. images my ideas 9/9 WC Ank Kumar Olympic_Museum_(_Ank_Kumar,_Infosys_Limited_)_32.jpg
  9. WC Ank Kumar: Olympic Museum

  10. I would like to see the existing format replaced by interactive Freeview video-on-demand theme channels, with all soap operas banned. In an age of AI and androids, further dumbing down of society by television programmes is clearly unacceptable, if humans are to continue to reign supreme. It would provide the excuse for installing a 100Mbps Internet throughout the EU at a time when 3D HD TV is about to become a reality. Hundreds of thousands of homes across the UK cannot get BBC Freeview, mainly due to interference from construction sites. This problem has existed in my area ever since digital broadcasting started. Belatedly, in May 2008 BBC Freesat became available. The poor reception that my TV presently gets on Freeview, clearly shows that a more demanding system i.e. 3D, has to come from cable. A standardized Eurovision Network throughout the European Union would help to get the electorate to be more European minded. You can tell I wrote this before Brexit can't ya?'

  11. The channels would be as follows:

  12. World news; National news; Local news:

  13. Current affairs and big issues (global warming, global terrorism, pandemic, global economy, etc.) A very large proportion of the population of Birmingham are ethnic minorities and yet hardly any programs on TV are from non-English speaking countries. News from those countries is also absent, whilst to repeat news stories more than once per hour, as does BBC News 24, is too repetitive.

  14. World theatre, national theatre, local theatre:

  15. Local authorities support local theatre and yet none of it is shown on TV. A one off broadcast of each show would be an excellent way of advertising these events.

  16. History documentaries and historical drama:

  17. When we see the mistakes we have made in the past, we can hopefully avoid repeating them in the future. It can also lead to a greater racial understanding.

  18. Science documentaries:

  19. Archaeology, astronomy, aerospace, construction, transport, materials science, etc. There is a tendency on TV to simplify programmes to the point where one wonders whether the producers themselves really understand the subject. Most appear to be clearly under qualified for the task.

  20. Movie 1 national language. Movie 2 foreign language:

  21. Movies would be required to be historically accurate and promote harmony.

  22. Sport 1 national. Sport 2 international:

  23. Including how to participate, rules and regulations

  24. Education: primary, secondary, further education college, further education university, adult evening classes:

  25. As schools get burned down and IT equipment stolen, education is proving to be very expensive, particularly as it is difficult to motivate school children, even in academies, when their parents are in low paid jobs or unemployed, or they are from a broken marriage. It's clear that one-on-one education via the internet using advanced algorithms is the answer, with parental supervision and hardware provision as necessary. This way all of the syllabus gets taught. It can be updated easily. The exams would be computer generated and marked. It could be preceded by IQ tests in order to determine what career, and hence what subjects would best suit each individual. Education would probably be shown on at least eight channels.

  26. images my ideas 9/9 WC Geoff Marshall BBC_Television_Centre_-_geograph.org.uk_-_7407.jpg
  27. WC Geoff Marshall: BBC Television Centre, London, UK

  28. Employment: What are jobs like. Employment law. Getting a job.

  29. Generally speaking, school leavers have no idea what job they want prior to leaving school. I left at the age of 16 to do a 4 year apprenticeship. Today HMG wants kids to stay at school until they are 18 just to keep the unemployment figures low. These can be the most productive time of their lives. To keep them out of employment is a disgrace. Sixteen to eighteen year olds should be given work experience at at least four different employers (production line, office, maintenance, entertainment, sport, defence, etc.). They should then be offered a recognised four year apprenticeship. In order to make employment selection more accurate, there would be programmes on TV that describe in detail what each profession is required to know and how to do it. Programmes would also be devoted to the operation of particular organisations. Location, size, product, etc. These details would be available via teletext for potential customers to interrogate.

  30. It is essential that employees know the details of employment law, and have the means to ensure that it is being adhered to at work. Present standards in the UK in 2023 are unacceptable. As described elsewhere in this website, a monthly report should be sent to the Jobcentre Plus database on each employee. This would serve as a future job reference if necessary.

  31. Getting a job would be through Jobcentre Plus. No other employment agency would be allowed. The applicant will be subjected to intelligence and psychological testing. Jobs would be offered by Jobcentre Plus based upon these results, the applicants preferences based upon work experience, and vacancies listed on the Jobcentre Plus database.

  32. The Love Channel

  33. Making friends and finding partners is not easy in a highly mobile society. Unlike dating agencies, the financial, crime and health details would be known, via government accessed databases, making it more likely that a lasting relationship would be established. This channel would concentrate upon prolonging relationships, by delving into sexual matters, finances, housework, gardening, hobbies, holidays, children, etc.

  34. Homes

  35. The government would promote high quality home ownership, delving into home design fit for the twenty-first century, plus finance, furniture, home decor/interior design, gadgets, white furniture, etc.

  36. Politics national, politics EU, politics, UN, law and referendums:

  37. Displays live proceedings, explanation of events, and interviews. It would arrange referendums via the internet; explain what they are about and what professional guild members would be entitled to contribute ideas and vote. The result, if passed, would then be written in legal terms by members of the legal guild, and then disseminated. For a political website see www.pol.is

  38. images my ideas 9/9 WC Satyar Emami Iran_vs_Mexico,_Football_Match,_Live_Tehran.jpg
  39. WC Satyar Emami: Watching Iran vs Mexico Football Match, Live in Tehran, Iran

  40. Government:

  41. In recent years HMG has passed thousands of laws, and yet the general public has not been informed as to what those laws relate to. That is one reason why our prisons are overflowing. Additionally, HMG should need to be told what laws and regulations need to be created, such as those lacking in areas of NHS termination/assisted dieing, advertising, information technology approved apps/browser & o/s, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, job & IT training, vehicle tracking devices, working environment, recruitment, taxi-vans and recharging in mscp, biomes, white hydrogen, etc. Need for constitutional reform in the face of AI. Welfare benefits v full employment in a command economy. Each government department would have a weekly one hour minimum programme slot.

  42. Economics personal & business, global market reports:

  43. Individuals need to understand domestic economics in order to stay out of debt. Companies need to know the essentials of setting up and running a business, in particular effective communications. Where sales opportunities exist. The need to advertise, carry out market research and R&D. Management, health & safety & law. Buying a home, automobile, white furniture, consumer products, etc. Which consumer products are best. How to operate and repair them.

  44. Infant (with programmes designed to inspire interest in science and engineering):

  45. As a child I use to read Eagle comic. I found the exploits of Dan Dare and the cut-away drawings very interesting. As a result I have a deep interest in space research and engineering. TV programmes should be designed to exploit this potential in young people. This channel should promote intelligence enhancing computer games. At present UK programmes for young people are dumbing them down, to become the delinquents of tomorrow.

  46. Charities / International Rescue:

  47. This channel could broadcast disaster warnings in detail, and display the event both during and afterwards. For instance, the Sichuan earthquake did not show satellite photos in optical, radar and infra-red. Infra-red could display the location of buried survivors. Sonar can locate wrecks on the sea bed, whilst radar can detect failed bridges and subsided roads in overcast weather. The better the coverage, the more financial support charities would receive from viewers. Charities could explain what they do and where they are operating.

  48. Crime:

  49. BBC's Crimewatch is one of the most popular programmes on TV. This channel should also include crime prevention and laws, (including consumer law). How to set up an approved Internet linked CCTV system, for home and business. How to set up a secure computer system, burglar alarm system, etc. This channel would be operated by a law enforcement agency.

  50. Failed products & Scams

  51. This would expose faults and scams in products and services, and name organisations that are involved. This channel would be operated by a law enforcement agency.

  52. Careers / Professions:

  53. The effect of government policy and other factors on careers. Professional bodies, job training courses in mid life, etc. This would probably be shown on at least four channels.

  54. Religions of the world:

  55. To promote religious harmony and western values, particularly through the Samarian translation of the Koran.

  56. images my ideas 9/9 WC Kanade miko MMT_program_on_Sharp_PW-TC920_20200314.jpg
  57. WC Kanade Miko: Mobile Television

  58. Hobbies:

  59. Very few hobbies are shown on TV. Model building, gardening, painting, ceramics, sculpture, carpentry, dancing, video, board & card games, trekking, cycling, horse riding, etc.

  60. Biome Management:

  61. Biome management system, collective food production (grains), hydroponics, cooking with the mealie maestro.

  62. Holidays:

  63. With emphasis upon promotion of eco-friendly holidays close to home, and within the pound currency zone.

  64. Health:

  65. Healthy exercise, diet and cleanliness. Medical research developments. Access to NHS AI GP and specialists. Access to hospital performance figures to decide where to have your operation. Arrange a home or works appointment with a nurse. (By now GPs will have been made redundant, having been transferred to A&E, hospital wards or research centres)

  66. Light entertainment shows:

  67. Comedy, ballet, opera, circus

  68. Music:

  69. Music pop, music rock, music R&B/Soul/Reggae/Funk, music hip-hop, music classical/opera/ballet, music traditional (country & western, bluegrass, folk, chant, etc.), music foreign (African, Arab, India, Latin, Far East, etc.)

  70. Invention:

  71. Enables inventors to make contact with potential investors (government, financial institutions, manufacturing companies) and entrepreneurs. Get government assistance with regulations and regional aid, enabling technology, etc.

  72. images my ideas 9/9 WC Narayan43211 Watch_live_TV_channels_via Internet._wwiTV.online.jpg
  73. WC Narayan43211: TV channels via Internet

  74. Amateur & Foreign TV Programmes:

  75. This channel enables people to display their own programme, on any subject, as a means of letting off steam or of showing off their media capability. It would also enable foreign media companies to display a taster programme, in the hope of the entire series being shown later.

  76. Multilingual Teletext Channels for:

  77. news, public transport maps and timetables (air, bus, train, tram), purchasing, cartoons. I think the BBC scrapping of weather satellite pictures was a big mistake. Without a doubt the weather forecast is the most boring programme on TV, because people like me are only interested in seeing the maps, and detest weather announcers rabbiting on and on, distracting viewers from the information they want.

  78. Library channel for:

  79. eInk downloads from state libraries of books , magazines, newspapers, CD download of music, DVD download of movies, games, training versions of professional (on the job) software, etc.

  80. Information Technology channel for:

  81. Would provide information on all aspects of new products and services that includes digital technology. Includes training, internet, new computer software. How to solve IT problems. How to create websites and advertise them. Promotion of high IT standards, including website construction, through an independent website index.

  82. Commonwealth channel for:

  83. The purpose of the Commonwealth TV channel is to further international cooperation and advance economics, social development, and human rights in member countries.

  84. HMG intends that every home be connected to the internet. My basic internet speed, in 2019, was 9Mbps. In 2021 my download speed was raised to 33Mbps and upload 8Mbps, but could be higher. Since I don't download movies nor games, I don't need it any higher. In October 2021 HMG announced that it was financing to the tune of £5 billion the provision of 1Gbps internet to remote regions of the UK by 2025. This would enable the download of high definition movies in just 30 seconds. Many families however show no interest in the internet. It is too complicated, frustrating and expensive. The authorities don't appear to be policing the internet in a effective manner, whilst web surfing software (browsers) are not required by law to warn users of the dangers, by displaying relevant laws when it is switched on, displaying the PIBB (Public Information Bulletin Board, see Ideas 6...A Crime Free Society). Warnings about what is passing through the modem when the light is flickering are also absent. If HMG is to get our dumbed down society interested in a science based society, it has to get the general population interested in IT first. Therefore incentives have to be provided to get the general public surfing. The speed must be capable of audio/visual internet relay chat so that users can keep an eye on elderly relatives and make friends. However, since there appears to be no directory, in Skype and Zoom, that includes names and their professions, I fail to see how it can be of use to me. The same problem appears to exist in social networking sites. HMG should manage all internet communications, social media and dating websites because it has the databases for checking authenticity and policing capability. Not to do so would amount to dereliction of duty. The size of social media sites should be limited to 1000 users and restricted to organisations that the user is familiar with, such as school and workplace. No other similar enterprises should be allowed in this country.

  85. Maintaining the viewers intelligence can be achieved through the broadcasting of interactive neurologically enhancing TV games with cash prizes, offer free training and computer vouchers, sign on for welfare benefits only via the internet (in English only), etc. Offer educational science biased computer games, e-books and e-comics free, in order to get young people interested in scientific research and engineering as a career. Current children's programmes full of cartoons amount to a gross waste of time. They are tiddlywink channels that satisfy an adults view of how children should be satisfied, not educated. The first seven years of a child's life are its learning years, and not to treat them as such should be regarded as a crime. HMG could totally reform the media industry by cancelling viewer's existing TV licence, on the basis that it is of too low a quality compared to the opposition, like Netflix, and needs to be internationalized, whilst promoting the British economy. These TV channels could be financed by an advertising tax imposed on UK based companies, which would finance the TV programmes and advertisements that promote UK company's products, services and capabilities to the world economy, via global Freesat and the internet. When a viewer sees an advertisement via Freesat, one could click on ads. A list of ads would appear. the viewer would select the right ad. The information about the company would appear from a high density mini disc attached to the satellite hub, which could be updated via the satellites spare channel. Alternatively the info can arrive via an internet link.

  86. many companies do not advertise because they believe that their customers already know them. However, their capabilities may also be of use in other fields, which new customers would highlight to them. In an age of rapid developments, companies must be prepared to diversify at a moments notice.

  87. The existing BBC, ITV infrastructure would be used by independent programme producers, who would have to bid for the right to make the programmes. The BBC would set up and manage the broadcast network based upon existing Freesat and iPlayer technology. BAe Systems would build the direct broadcast satellites and supporting ground stations. The BBC and ITV would not be allowed to make TV programmes, in order to ensure that competitive bidding took place. With the introduction of AI, it will be necessary for the human race to pull its socks up, if it wants to collaborate with AI based projects, and not be rendered superfluous and thereby made irrelevant and ultimately extinct. AI will therefore transform the human race, both mentally and physically. TV should be regarded as the educational tool that will enable this, and not as a media for the broadcast of brainless mass produced soap operas. The scrapping of the BBC without consideration for what it can offer, both socially and economically, would I fell to be a gross act of vandalism, which HMG is renowned for in the past. It has blocked the development of the home computer, 3D colour TV and satellite technology. It now has the opportunity to think big, think positive and lead the world again. Has it got the backbone to do it? Why would it do it? One only has to look at wars in the Ukraine and Holy Land, plus potential wars involving the PRC v Taiwan and North Korea v the UN, to realise that the world needs remolding. One of HMG's greatest assets is its foreign service. Reading the book 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu, one realizes that the government of the PRC isn't the only one that can dominate the world this way. It's time HMG started the charm offensive. Let's face it, it got to be more productive than our SLBMs.

  88. images my ideas 9/9 WC Our World in Data Share_of_individuals_using_the_internet.jpg
  89. WC: Where Internet Is Used On Earth

  90. The use of the Caxton printing press in the seventeenth century led to a watershed in information and ideas, particularly in science, especially medicine. Had the Roman empire such technology, its understanding of reciprocating stone cutting water mills, reciprocating water pumps and the Greek power of steam, would inevitably have led to the steam engine and probably an industrial revolution at least one thousand years before it actually happened. In China under the first Chin emperor, Qin Shi Huang born 259BCE, it is believed that the use of electricity was discovered, which could produce aluminium and pump lakes of mercury in the emperor's mausoleum. Later came the Baghdad battery, at Khujut Rabu, Iraq in possibly 150BCE. For a nation that invented printing, it is tragic to realise that the names of those engineers and scientists, the Michael Faraday's that perished in that Chinese tomb, will probably never be known. Had they used a removable type printing press, then that knowledge would probably not have been lost, and again the human race would have experienced an industrial revolution far earlier than it did.

  91. Internet and satellite TV channel creators are as follows. Many are provided by TV broadcasters (streaming providers) such as Sky, BT, Virgin, Now, whilst some do both, such as the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). Individual channels can be streamed via the internet, such as ITVX and BBC iPlayer

  92. Currently numerous television series are being mass produced that require very little thought from producers, writers, actors and all others concerned. Many of these programmes are based upon conflict, including crime. A murder takes place on TV almost every day with scant disregard for the mental and psychological impact, and hence social consequences. It is time we had a technocracy composed of technocrats with the vision and determination not to let our capitalist minded media dumb down our citizens with this tripe. The psychological impact of this content, not to mention the huge waste of time, where viewers could be doing something far more productive, has been ignored by government for too long.

  93. Knowledge is everything. It's what makes a nation great. The distributed network of the internet makes information on it even more secure than that in the smouldering ashes of ancient libraries in Alexandria or Herculaneum, and a bonus to those nations who realise its importance. Today Information Technology is the conduit for knowledge. It has the capability to streamline personnel recruitment, planning approval, training, finance and display business opportunities. Ignore it at your peril. if that isn't enough to motivate you, then perhaps a quarter of a million dollars is. That's the prize for deciphering a charred scroll from the ancient Roman library at Herculaneum. Read the hyperlink.

  94. images my ideas 9/9 WC NASA TDRS_gen1_(2).jpg
  95. WC: NASA TDRS (Tracking & Data Relay Satellite)

  96. HMG and the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) do ignore it. Freeview, a conglomeration of advertising and TV licence supported English speaking programmes, is currently (2019) not on the internet, except BBC i-Player's past programs library. With the introduction of 1TB copper based internet from Virgin Media, this is likely to change, because it's about time HMG realised the impact global advertising would have on the British economy. Currently, my present housing estate, like my previous residential area, suffers from poor reception. I can't plan my viewing because half of the channel details don't appear on my Electronic Programme Guide. How much longer do we have to wait for perfect reception via the internet, presumably made available via the UK company Everyone TV with its Freely service, due to appear in spring 2024? Everyone TV created Freeview which is also available via satellite, called Freesat. The internet would provide 'Freeint' with global coverage without the need for a forest of satellite dishes and rooftop aerials. Only a WT....

  97. One thing that Americans excel at is advertising. "We don't need to advertise because our customers know we exist." I remember one director telling me that, at a job interview. What about all the ones who have never heard about them, I thought. The greatest advertising body in the UK appears to be Google, but why? It's simply because the British board room isn't dynamic enough, because they are paid too much to do too little. They plainly don't know how to run a company and make a profit in this cut-throat environment. Take the British Broadcasting Corporation. This is a body whose customers definitely know it exists, because we have to pay for that expensive television licence. It is of course a tax to finance HMG's propaganda machine. At least that's how I look at it. The BBC should make and broadcast job training and education programmes to the world, in order to stimulate the global economy, plus documentaries about our UK based companies, particularly their capabilities, showing products that nations need and can afford, with contact details on teletext. That is how you get the economy moving again. It's about time the UK came top in the World Bank's ease of doing business index.

  98. According to the website statista, BBC revenue in 2020 amounted to 3.53 billion pounds in licence fee revenue and 1.42 billion pounds in the renting of programmes to other channels, etc. That may sound great but the revenue made by Netflix during the same period amounted to $25 billion. It's clear that the BBC should pursue a similar business plan. So why doesn't it? It's protected (or hamstrung) by politicians who presumably regard it as their propaganda ministry, paid for by the electorate. Now that's got to be the ultimate con hasn't it? It's plain it's time the BBC was unleashed, and the viewer given the freedom they deserve. Alternatively, HMG could compel the BBC to broadcast programs as described in this chapter. Are they capable of doing that? The BBC excels in producing documentaries like Tomorrow's World, Horizon, together with a plethora of nature programmes, so I don't see why it can't concentrate on appealing to eggheads and those that thirst for knowledge. In May 2021 it was announced that AT&T was to purchase Discovery Plus, to create a media empire worth $150 billion. Just days later Amazon decided to purchase the great movie producer MGM for $8.45 billion. Soon the BBC will have no access to a catalogue of movies to portray. Whilst there are cries from Westminster to sell off the NHS, politicians appear loathed to sell off the BBC. I wonder why?

  99. images my ideas 9/9 WC Arirangwiki ArirangTV_Satellites_and_Coverage_map.png
  100. WC: Arirang TV Satellites Coverage Map

  101. As HMG's One Web gets sold off to Eutelsat in France, for a pittance, HMG is probably loath to get its fingers burnt again in the space race. However, one thought has just occurred to me that they might be interested in, if only because the UK is a world leader in the technology, and we need the money. The natural follow-on from internet based TV is space based global broadcasting TV satellites in geostationary orbit. Currently direct broadcast satellites are small because they lack a powerful energy source, lack reliable components for extended use, and lack permission from governments to broadcast to their countries, or on certain frequencies. The power source is limited by the size of the photo- voltaics. The larger the PVA is, the more difficult it is to orientate and impossible to maintain. However, Rolls-Royce has developed a power station for use on the Moon, which could presumably be fitted to a DBS satellite. The satellite would broadcast to an entire continent, requiring three to cover the world. They would be interactive, complying to NHEG-5 standard. The customers satellite hub would contain an advanced non-binary HDD, which would contain popular websites, plus the promotional websites of approved UK based companies that are required to pay the UK advertising tax. Additional websites would be accessed via broadband landline, or laser communication in the case of off-grid homes that can afford it. Programmes and satellites would be financed through the tax. A customer would watch a TV programme, whilst any additional information about an associated advertisement from an approved UK company, could be accessed from the Satellite hub HDD. That data is downloaded from the satellite to all customers at intervals, and kept up to date. This is how to send influential advertising direct to a potential customer in the global economy. No place for Starlink, Eutelsat OneWeb here. Foreign channels can be added later, once the concept is proven and costed. This is how to pay off the UK's debts. You have to think big, before the Yanks do, in their quest to buy up the world.

  102. I wrote to the BBC in April 2024 with an alternative fto the BBC television licence.

  103. The Future of the BBC

  104. Tim Davie, Director-General,
    BBC Broadcasting House,
    Peel Wing, Portland Place,
    London W1A 1AA
    Dear sir,

  105. I am still an avid user of Freeview, having had enough of my Amazon Fire plethora of plugs and cables linked to my internet hub, Amazon module, video recorder and laptop. No doubt someone will eventually come up with a remote control capable of operating the power switches hidden behind a mass of tangled cables, though why no one has combined all this equipment in one product, I simply fail to understand. There are of course a few things that I still find annoying with Freeview: inevitably the EPG fails to display half the data, even though the picture is fine on that channel, whilst the sound quality with modern American movies is often terrible, presumably my twelve year old LG 47LW550T-ZE does not have the necessary audio codes. The sound quality on BBC news interviews over the internet can be really poor, which I put down to a lack of keen sound engineers conducting a professional audio preparation. These problems are insignificant compared to the problems facing the future of the BBC. Numerous repeats of UFOs, homes in the sun to many who cannot even afford to buy a home in this country, movies and food programmes to an obese nation, leads me to believe that Action Fraud hasn't caught up with the BBC yet, whilst advertising every five minutes amounts to torture.

  106. The BBC is one of the last great institutions from the age of empire, and as such still retains influence amongst the establishment. It is that influence I am about to call upon. I am 75 years of age and have seen how this society and economy has been trashed by one hapless government after another over the last sixty years. This country, along with most of the rest, is totally unprepared for the emergence of AI. That is why on my website promotes mainly serious programme subjects. The UK needs a command economy run by a technocracy, within every organisation including government. There is no chance of that happening, because of resistance to change amongst politicians and the general population. However, the BBC is in a potentially unenviable position to lay down the foundations of such a reformation, by informing, educating and training the masses, and by indirectly boosting the British economy. See chapter Ideas 9...Internet Based Television on the above website.

  107. The latter can be attended to by the BBC broadcasting such programmes to the world, particularly to areas lacking true civilisation, of which there are plenty at the moment. These programmes would be sent via internet and satellite, and like the excellent BBC world service, designed to educate and influence. Might I suggest four hours of programmes per day, transmitted six times that day, with no TV at the weekend, because there is just not enough human contact between people these days, as I witnessed during my childhood. All of this would be paid for by organisations, in the form of an advertising tax. Details of this are in the chapter previously mentioned. The general public would then have the option to pay membership to one of the TV programme providers listed on my website. BBC Freesat/Freeview would provide film studio facilities to programme creators, who win a BBC franchise to produce a particular programme series for this global service.

  108. In this arrangement everyone gains. The general public get the right to purchase from whichever TV programme provider it prefers. HMG gets to claw back votes from the opposition, whilst at the same time boosting the British economy, tax revenue, etc. The BBC may not be making many programmes directly, but it is still a major cog in the system, and could act as a consultant to programme producers.

  109. My website was created by one person, me. I am not a geek. The IT has taken seven years on and off. I update the 'Ideas' section almost daily. Every week I come across IT problems. I use to be an engineering draughtsman. In 1987 I did a full time three month course in CAD at Birmingham Skillcentre, shortly before PM Margaret Thatcher shut it down. The courses should have been replaced by IT. Instead we now have a government paying billions to foreign companies to create their IT programs. We now have a nuclear deterrent that will not deter. My website displays numerous projects promoted by one government and scrapped by another. What was called at the time, a stop go policy. And of course we have lost the empire, along with its set of guaranteed trading partners. Democracy has failed. It is clear to me that we need a technocracy, and to achieve that we all need to get serious.

  110. It's up to the BBC and the Open University to create the technocrats for our future technocracy, without which we stand no hope whatsoever of managing AI effectively and safely. My chapter on AI should be construed as a severe warning to all. In a world of AI there is no room for sentiment, only serious logic.

  111. Thank you for reading this long letter.

  112. Yours truly,

  113. Mr. Nigel S Allen

  114. I don't know why I'm giving away all these free ideas when I don't even believe in capitalism. Must be the effect of all that disciplined training to be a navigating officer and engineering draughtsman. I simply believe in getting things done right, no matter what they are.