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    images intro/WTN Drupa Lightening Operations At Anchor Belfast Lough.jpg
  1. WTN Drupa Lightening Operations At Anchor Belfast Lough in 1967.
    Supertankers had to be part off-loaded in Torbay from Persian Gulf
    to enable entry to Europort oil terminal, Rotterdam
  2. WTN Icon_edited.png



  3. Every person that matters on this planet should read this website. This website supports those who want a modern constitution, whatever country you may live in. The UK is regarded as the mother of the modern democracy. As numerous technologies are about to emerge, we stand at the crossroads of human development. It is time therefore that the peoples' of the United Kingdom created a technocracy, for others to emulate. The greatest threat to human civilisation is AI (artificial intelligence). Only one in one hundred thousand people can beat computers at chess. If we use this technology to create a leisure orientated society, then over time the human brain will atrophy. Whilst we may defeat cancer, senile dementia will become the big killer. We must keep ourselves fit by engaging in physical and mental challenges. In addition, we must somehow engage with AI on a level footing. To say we must pull out socks up would be an understatement. Computer thinking is based on logic, and if we don't remain an asset to AI, then logic dictates that we must be taken out of the decision making loop one way or another. Clearly decision making starts at the top, within government. This implies that the government decision making structure must be modernized, but to what degree. When one looks at the Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia space shuttle disasters, they were all caused by bad decision making amongst managers with degrees, MSc and PhDs, but clearly that was not enough. The human race must take education and training to the next level, if we are to have a future in an AI world. Our brains must achieve greater performance, through greater effort, medical enhancements and implants, in order to give them an exciting game of chess and just about everything else. This is one of the reasons why this website exists. To warn everyone of the seriousness of the situation. There are some people working on AI that want the human race to become extinct. They look at our actions in the Ukraine, Holy Land, Sahel, and say why not. We must find a way to prove them wrong.

  4. Please note that you can read election data in the Intro, and political data in the Ideas section chapters 34 to 39.

  5. Here was my advice to the UK's political parties for the general election, on July 4th, 2024. It was sent by email to Labour, LibDem, Green and Reform Parties in April 2024. I regarded the Conservative Party as a lost cause.:

  6. Dear sir or madam,

  7. Here are a few ideas to help you win the next general election, starting with a few goodies, pensioners would like to have.

  8. Retirement Community

  9. I don't know if you've noticed (water companies have) that the weather has changed in recent years. It is no longer a pleasure to retire in this country, particularly if all your relatives and friends have died, as mine have. The USA has Florida, the EU has the Med, but the UK has given away most of its places in the sun for the retired to go to. As a long awaited reward, don't you think that our millions of retired, not to mention long term disabled, should be offered a retirement community to live in, in the Caribbean area? The estates of condos and villas could be 3D printed for about £20,000, for a villa not including land. The villas would of course be bought by the occupier. It would be on a par with the development at Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

  10. You may think that this is extravagant, however, think of this. Soon the Arctic ice cap will be gone, whilst the Greenland ice cap will accelerate its rate of melting. Some meteorologists believe that a reversal of the north Atlantic drift is just around the corner. When that happens, few people if any, will want to go to Rwanda. Farmers are already protesting. HMG must get its act together now, as when it happens, there will be a sudden rush from other countries to get a piece of suitable real estate down south. This is why Australia should not become a republic. As for New Zealand, I think UK citizens have seen enough clouds. There is of course Madagascar, although the French will say “non”. That leaves (British) Guyana, and (British) Belize, everything else being too small or underwater such as Chagos Archipelago.

  11. Of course all this would not be necessary if HMG persuaded Caribbean countries to welcome UK pensioners with criminal records, and continued to pay their index linked pension, without the need to spend six months in the UK. There are no doubt thousands of unoccupied homes in the UK whose owners live permanently abroad, illegally receiving the UK indexed linked state pension. Is the six month rule simply a trick to con pensioners out of their full due, or is it in order to check that the recipients are still alive. Surely there is some IT routine available to check the latter with anyone living abroad? The IT industry is about to unleash pass keys, which employs Google Password Manager automatically and the users biometrics. Every smart phone will have a biometric reader, plus the Google software, if your phone has enough memory. IOS uses fingerprint, but it could be face, eye or voice print. Lose your smart phone and you lose your identity, which is why I never carry my smart phone around with me.

  12. Bio Identity Card

  13. I understand that HMG intends to bar the elderly from driving, or introduce driving tests for pensioners. I have a driving licence which I renewed about one year ago despite the fact that I haven't driven for about 25 years. I need it for identity purposes, even though I also have a passport. I don't want to be in the same position as my mother, who had thousands of pounds in a bank account earning no interest, because she had no ID to enable her to move it. She was also too senile to use a debit card, as she couldn't remember the PIN number. So can we at last have a bio ID card, with the option of having it implanted? It would generate its own power, thereby having the ability to communicate with a smart phone or computer via Bluetooth. This would ensure that people do not lose their identity when they lose their smart phone or laptop.

  14. IT Training

  15. The UK is an IT disaster, made that way through decades of apathy within government. Many elderly people have had no contact with IT at work. Today every financial transaction they do is on the internet, or soon will be. There appears to be no training on how to maintain and use IT equipment, including mobile phones and printers. There are some like me who need more advanced training, and I'm sure I'm not the only pensioner whose hobby is IT. I am unable to advertise my website through Google and Microsoft because it would take one month full time to learn how to use their advertisement apps, whilst image ads with MS end up on Edge, which takes ages to scroll through. I spent £200 and got nowhere recently. I have 215 files on my website, (plus about 500 images) but only 14 of them are indexed, so that they can appear on the Search Engine Results Page when someone types in a query. That number is getting smaller because Google says it is not being used much. I wonder why. I assume MS and Google are trying to stifle competition by restricting advertising opportunities to potential competitors, so why isn't HMG taking them to court? So much for industrial sabotage. Clearly EC has no qualms on the subject, with Apple, Meta and Google being investigated under their Digital Markets Act 2022. So much for freedom of speech. And where do you find a Google display stand. That's right, at a Tory AGM.

  16. The UK needs a secure, intuitive and cheap IT system if our organisations are to be efficient, something which PM May initially tried to do. To this aim we need a Ministry for IT and Advertising. The UK needs its own operating system, browser, all apps including office, security and website/advertising standards, all owned and maintained by the state. All data accumulated by British organisations must be retained within the UK, to British security standards. All IT personnel must be trained to degree level, whilst maintenance and operating manuals must be readable, without spectacles and complete. I well remember dumping a new all-in-one inkjet printer, because the paper feed did not work. I had gone through the manual, but could not find a solution. It was only when I came across the same problem with a different make, and pushed the paper into the machine in frustration, that I solved the problem. IT is as important as our military. It is not something that should be contracted out. For added security, the UK should have its own secure intranet, or a completely new secure and serious alternative to the worldwide web or dark web.

  17. As for IT training, it needs to be interactive on the internet, at home, whilst all homes should have an internet, computer and someone trained to use it. HMG needs to create these programs as a forerunner to putting the UK's entire education and training on the internet.

  18. Lonely Hearts (Dream On)

  19. Most dating agencies on the internet are a fraud. I went to one free audio/visual dating site, and there were about 40 men there and no women. It's time HMG took charge. Only HMG has the databases to ensure financial, religious and social compatibility. Only HMG can garner trust from these senior citizens, many of whom are already victims of spam, hacking and con phone calls. Many have near vacant homes to offer, whilst also looking for a compassionate carer. This method can solve HMG's housing and carer problems. The IT solution is cheap, if you use volunteer programmers (not Fujitsu) from the open source sector, who want to maintain their proficiency.

  20. Taxi-Vans

  21. Thus far HMG has done nothing to influence what type of EVs manufacturers should make, whilst battery technology is forever advancing. Politicians go to COP meetings and make agreements, and when they get back, they sign up to grandiose construction projects that will generate huge amounts of CO2, as sense flies out the window. Right now HMG wants the electricity supply network upgraded to homes, but why, when my plan should be cheaper and better.

  22. The one thing that government's want is for people to spend their money. However, most pensioners can't because they can't get around. I haven't been anywhere in the forty years since my divorce. Self driving EVs are too expensive and too complicated for individual owners to maintain. Since they will soon drive themselves, the government must act now. Self driving EVs must be wholly owned by taxi and delivery companies, who would charge them at maintenance depots, located near power stations or transformer sub-stations. This would drastically reduce distribution costs and make our roads safer.

  23. EVs could then be used for day excursions, weekly holidays, the school run, as well as used by the sick and disabled to get to a GP's surgery, A&E, supermarket, fitness centre, etc. It would drastically improve the quality of people's lives. It could also reduce the cost of subsidies to urban transport systems. If automotive companies can supply vehicles at £8,000 each to their citizens, as reported, it maybe possible to do a similar deal with them, as a way of getting the UK auto industry to abandon its vroom vroom mentality and accept this concept.

  24. Jobcentre Plus Recruitment Database

  25. Some pensioners, like my mother, want to carry on working after 65 years. However, long before then, most of the companies they have worked for no longer exist, making it impossible to provide a reference. HMG should have a database containing worker's monthly employee report, which could be used as a basis for a reference, job interview at Jobcentre, or call-up in times of emergency or major construction project, such as a nuclear power station.

  26. Most of these long overdue problems require very little expenditure to put right. These ideas are all vote winners. Further details can be found in the Ideas section of my website, including details of a technocracy, and an alternative financial system that would eradicate most crime and drastically improve people's quality of life. It also outlines why there will be a need for a command economy, which will become apparent when AI has matured.

  27. The Future of the BBC

  28. A copy of this section was sent to Tim Davie, director-general of BBC.

  29. I am still an avid user of Freeview, having had enough of my Amazon Fire plethora of plugs and cables linked to my internet hub, Amazon module, video recorder and laptop. No doubt someone will eventually come up with a remote control capable of operating the power switches hidden behind a mass of tangled cables, though why no one has combined all this equipment in one product, I simply fail to understand. There are of course a few things that I still find annoying with Freeview: inevitably the EPG fails to display half the data, even though the picture is fine on that channel, whilst the sound quality with modern American movies is often terrible, presumably my twelve year old LG 47LW550T-ZE does not have the necessary audio codes. The sound quality on BBC news interviews over the internet can be really poor, which I put down to a lack of keen sound engineers conducting a professional audio preparation. These problems are insignificant compared to the problems facing the future of the BBC. Numerous repeats of UFOs, homes in the sun to many who cannot even afford to buy a home in this country, movies and food programmes to an obese nation, leads me to believe that Action Fraud hasn't caught up with the BBC yet, whilst advertising every five minutes amounts to torture.

  30. The BBC is one of the last great institutions from the age of empire, and as such still retains influence amongst the establishment. It is that influence I am about to call upon. I am 75 years of age and have seen how this society and economy has been trashed by one hapless government after another over the last sixty years. This country, along with most of the rest, is totally unprepared for the emergence of AI. That is why on my website promotes mainly serious programme subjects. The UK needs a command economy run by a technocracy, within every organisation including government. There is no chance of that happening, because of resistance to change amongst politicians and the general population. However, the BBC is in a potentially unenviable position to lay down the foundations of such a reformation, by informing, educating and training the masses, and by indirectly boosting the British economy. See chapter Ideas 9...Internet Based Television on the above website.

  31. The latter can be attended to by the BBC broadcasting such programmes to the world, particularly to areas lacking true civilisation, of which there are plenty at the moment. These programmes would be sent via internet and satellite, and like the excellent BBC world service, designed to educate and influence. Might I suggest four hours of programmes per day, transmitted six times that day, with no TV at the weekend, because there is just not enough human contact between people these days, as I witnessed during my childhood. All of this would be paid for by organisations, in the form of an advertising tax. Details of this are in the chapter previously mentioned. The general public would then have the option to pay membership to one of the TV programme providers listed on my website. BBC Freesat/Freeview would provide film studio facilities to programme creators, who win a BBC franchise to produce a particular programme series for this global service.

  32. In this arrangement everyone gains. The general public get the right to purchase from whichever TV programme provider it prefers. HMG gets to claw back votes from the opposition, whilst at the same time boosting the British economy, tax revenue, etc. The BBC may not be making many programmes directly, but it is still a major cog in the system, and could act as a consultant to programme producers.

  33. My website was created by one person, me. I am not a geek. The IT has taken seven years on and off. I update the 'Ideas' section almost daily. Every week I come across IT problems. I use to be an engineering draughtsman. In 1987 I did a full time three month course in CAD at Birmingham Skillcentre, shortly before PM Margaret Thatcher shut it down. The courses should have been replaced by IT. Instead we now have a government paying billions to foreign companies to create their IT programs. We now have a nuclear deterrent that will not deter. My website displays numerous projects promoted by one government and scrapped by another. What was called at the time, a stop go policy. And of course we have lost the empire, along with its set of guaranteed trading partners. Democracy has failed. It is clear to me that we need a technocracy, and to achieve that we all need to get serious.

  34. It's up to the BBC and the Open University to create the technocrats for our future technocracy, without which we stand no hope whatsoever of managing AI effectively and safely. My chapter on AI should be construed as a severe warning to all. In a world of AI there is no room for sentiment, only serious logic.

  35. That concludes the Pensioner's Charter, which was written before Fox announced its creation of Tubi, a free advertising based TV service. Thinking about it in July 2024, it occurred to me that the BBC, including Freeview, could be sold off to Fox Corporation, finally putting an end to the TV licence, provided the quality of programmes did not deminish. Unlikely.

  36. The Economy in an Age of AI

  37. In the 1980s prime minister Margaret Thatcher advised UK industry to relocate to eastern Europe or the far east, where expanding national economies would provide better opportunities than in the UK. HMG would finance itself by taxing imports, a policy know as monetarism. This policy continued until the financial collapse in 2008. It has left the nation almost defenceless, with some army units reported to have no artillery or no ammunition, mainly due to the UK's rundown heavy industries. Our Trident submarines carry less than half of their maximum missile compliment, eight missiles each fitted with three nuclear warheads, which probably don't work anyway judging by recent test results.

  38. The PRC has a nucleus of companies that are sacrosanct. We should do the same. Create companies that cannot be shut down by government, by making them owned partly by HMG, employees and shareholders. Nuclear warheads are no substitute for GPS guided shells, drones, swarms of suicidal quad-copters, beam weapons, IT hackers and android infantry, which is precisely where we are going in the Ukraine, assuming of course that we had the industry to make it so. These industries could not be relocated abroad, due to their special status, when the AI director suggests that lower taxes and lower energy costs would make the company more competitive and hence profitable in a foreign land, such as Qatar.

  39. Right now employers are finding it difficult to recruit. One third of employers bar our unemployed from meaningful employment due to their criminal record. I can see no reason why people with criminal records can't gain employment in such protected areas, if they have gone strait for five years and are not placed in positions where they can use their old modus operandi. Employment to school leavers is off putting due to the failure of government to introduce work experience for the 16 to 18 year olds, along with a professional recruitment system and exemplary employment standards. Many are put off by how their parents were treated by employers, whilst many are living off their inheritance or investments in cryptocurrencies, etc. With war in Europe, it is in my opinion, reckless not to have national service and a civil defence force. If present trends continue around the world, then world war three is inevitable.

  40. It is clear to me therefore that we need a modern constitution, a technocracy, as described on my website. It's time to update parliament, and the government's think-tank, assuming it has one. Parliament is simply a complaints department. It makes sense therefore for the general public to complain directly to an AI managed complaints department by email or sms, and get AI managed government departments to sort it out. More importantly, AI should be placed in a position to sort out the British economy, to sort out urgent matters such as debt and business opportunities. And as a coup-de-grace, write out the king's speech for the opening of parliament, and the chancellor's budget statement. This should finally put a stop to crazy financing and political party stop-go policies.

  41. Unlike the previous two world wars, there will be no time to ramp things up over months, once it starts. Defence can be bolstered by having an enviable political system that other countries can eventually emulate, finally leading to a harmonious world order that has currently eluded the UN.

  42. The above ideas are listed in the following references.

  43. Yours sincerely,

  44. Mr. Nigel S Allen

  45. References on the following website:

  46. www.world-technocracy-now.earth/

  47. Ideas 1...Increased Employment Prospects - (In a science based economy)

  48. Ideas 4...Employment, Getting A Job - (52 Reasons you can't get a job)

  49. Ideas 6...A Crime Free Society

  50. Ideas 9...Internet Based Television

  51. Ideas 15...Military Technology (Skylon) & WW III (UK Skylon Spaceplane)

  52. Ideas 16-1...Space Research

  53. Ideas 17...Asteroid, Comet & Space Debris

  54. Ideas 19-1...Global Warming - Climate Change

  55. Ideas 21-1...UK National Health Service (NHS) - (Problems with NHS)

  56. Ideas 28-1...Zero Carbon Requires A Change In Lifestyle

  57. Ideas 31...Robotics, AI & Quantum Computers

  58. Ideas 37...Utopia, the Financial Aspects, Stages 1 & 2 (Technocracy & SPEVs)

  59. Well, there it is, will they read it and act positively?

  60. The result of the general election in July 2024 was as follows:

  61. July 4th, 2024 Election Results in UK

    Party MPs Elected Change Percentage Vote
    Labour 412 +211 35%
    Conservative 121 -250 24%
    LibDems 72 +64 12%
    Reform 5 0 14%
    Green 5 +4 7%
    Scottish Nationalist 9 -38 3%
    Plaid Cymru 4 1%
    Independent 6 2%
    Scottish Conservatives 5 -1
    Sinn Fein 7
  62. The general election was contested by about 4,500 candidates fighting for 650 seats. The turnout was 60% of electors. The Labour Party lost four seats to independent candidates. The former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was reelected as an independent. The Conservative Party lost 44 ministers including former prime minister Liz Truss and possible future party leader Penny Mordaunt. Defence minister Grant Shapps lost out, whilst Chancellor Jeremy Hunt was reelected. Nigel Farage, who created the Reform Party, was elected a politician at his eighth attempt. The LibDems last won this many seats in 1923. The Conservatives lost all their seats in Wales, whilst Sinn Fein will not fill their seats at Westminster in a continued protest. None of these political parties wanted constitutional reform, and certainly not a technocracy.

  63. Reasons for the Conservative defeat are so numerous as to be unbelievable. Here are some listed here:

  64. Recent Conservative Government Failings
    to July 4th, 2024 in UK

    .1.. Carrying out Brexit despite the low majority to do so in England, with rejection elsewhere.
    2 The slow and haphazard response to the Covid-19 pandemic, expensive untested PPE ordered direct from PM's office, arthritis due to lack of exposure to sunshine during lockdown, deaths due to transfer of infected people to care homes, no funerals to attend including that of my brother Steve, failure to close public gatherings, sea ports and airports to passengers, partygate at PM's residence during lockdown.
    3 Seeking competence from five prime ministers (David Cameron, Theresa May, Liz Truss, Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak), through a swiftly rotating door, which destroyed confidence and investment.
    4 Ever increasing property prices, with rents rising to £250 per week for a house, making it very difficult for workers to relocate, thereby inhibiting investment.
    5 Long NHS queues for treatment, whilst many like me can't even see a GP in order to get on a queue.
    6 Long winded planning permission holding back investment for years.
    7 Margaret Thatcher's monopoly of water companies dumping sewage in our rivers and on our beaches, forcing families to holiday abroad in EU countries that no longer welcome us due to overcrowding.
    8 Incredibly £400 million of hard earned tax payer's money spent on sending illegal immigrants to Rwanda, central Africa. It's thought that only 5% of illegal immigrants come here by crossing the English Channel surreptitiously.
    9 Support for Israeli Defence Force genocide of Palestinians in Holy Land, together with the Labour Party. Did they know that the conflict would drag on for so long and be so brutal, just one week into its beginning?
    10 6,500 millionaires leaving the UK in 2023 for Paris, Dubai and Florida, sickened by this unattractive nation and unstable political system, that they plainly aren't going to invest in.
    11 Post Office Horizon software scandal, in which hundreds of sub-postmasters were sent to trial and possible imprisonment, if they did not admit theft. Compensation delayed unnecessarily.
    12 Trident Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile failures and artillery shortages incapable of deterring an enemy, whilst 200 nuclear detonations would kill 2 billion people, whilst a full scale attack would kill at least 5 billion people from the nuclear winter it would create, therefore nuclear weapons cannot achieve a victory, so why have them.
    13 Our prisons are full with dangerous inmates, being released early as a result, generating apprehension amongst voters.
    14 Illegal insider bets on the date of this general election by the PM's staff.
    15 Delayed court case and compensation into HIV Hepatitus C contaminated blood from USA, infecting 30,000 people directly and indirectly in UK. Blood was imported during 1970s and 1980s without inspection, in treatment for haemophilia. This scandal killed 2900 people in UK. Compensation delayed unnecessarily.
  65. All these incidents conspired to create a Labour landslide victory despite the fact that the Labour vote was only 2% more than in the previous general election in 2019, gaining 63% of seats. Parties aren't elected into government, governments are kicked out. During this Conservative tenure the government stumbled from one crisis to another. HMG had become a walking disaster area, stuck in a time warp, employing 3.76 million people in central government and 2 million in local government, with an outdated constitution created when it once took days to travel from one city to another by stage coach. Due to government debt, many are now ripe for redundancy. But has the PM and his ministers got the guts to do it? Since they want to be loved by the electorate, they will fall at the first hurdle. One gets the impression that only AI can do the job properly, stealthily.

  66. As it turned out, the first hurdle was the £400 million deportation agreement with Rwanda. The new Labour government scrapped the deal before seeing whether any of the money could be recouped. This sent an immediate message to tax payers. Why pay your taxes when the government treats this hard earned wealth so cavalierly? It's thought that £220 million can be saved (£240 million lost) to finance the new border force, but will that be any better than its predecessor? Even the hard minded Australian government estimates the number of illegal visa over stayers to be at least 100,000. Later it emerged that HMG had spent £592 million buying up property and land for HS2 (high speed railway) between Birmingham and Manchester, which had since been scrapped. The next test of intelligence came with the sale of the UK AI chip company Graphcore. Would HMG let it go, or nationalize it into a state wealth fund? A few days later Samsung Electronics announced that its sale of AI chips would increase its profits by at least 1000%. Clearly there was also money to be made and jobs created in the UK, if only HMG would transfer our redundant GPs and the nation's unemployed into research labs managed by AI. This is the knind of thinking that the AI revolution needs. The thought of another Labour government trashing the British economy just as PM Harold Wilson had done in 1970 and 1972 to the aerospace industry (TSR-2, Prospero), lingered in my mind.

  67. There were about 500 brave independent candidates, of whom only about 6 were elected. The electorate invariably votes for parties not candidates. No doubt our late PM will go on a lecture jaunt of the US. Who will pay for it, major IT companies for services rendered? Despite everything, there were still people prepared to vote for the two main political parties that had screwed up their lives. Whilst employers were blacking ex-workers, the electorate couldn't find it in their hearts to black both the Conservatives and Labour from this election.

  68. There was no proportional representation. Had there been, then Reform would probably have won more seats that the LibDems. Exit results from polling stations suggested that Reform would win 13 seats, not 5. Did constituency boundary changes rig this result? There was no law banning political parties from receiving private finance, only limits on how much each candidate could spend on advertising, etc. All the millions the Conservative Party had, failed to save them. There were no qualifications and IQ tests required. Fortunately UK politics had not descended into a battle of geriatrics, like that in the USA between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. There was certainly no pressure in the UK to create a technocracy in the face of AI. Artificial Intelligence will destroy jobs, the global economy, capitalism and ultimately civilisation if governments don't wake up to the threat in time. This general election will likely decide nothing. The decline and fall of the UK into the historical abyss will continue, mainly because the British establishment lacks the set-up and quick-on-the-draw vision, to see the opportunities in this cut throat world. One such opportunity lies with the future of the NHS. All the political parties want to throw money at it as usual. None of them are using their brain and the benefits of AI. All the GPs could be replaced by an NHS AI virtual GP on the internet. What prime minister do you know would have the guts to do that? Look at it from my perspective. I have suffered from allergies, tinnitus and arthritis for years, but only get blood tests and pain killers. I have to look up everything on the internet, to see if there is any treatment. It would be more informative and cheaper to use an NHS AI virtual GP, wouldn't it? Any job that merely handles information can be automated. That's most of the civil service gone. Of course these people could be used as staff in research labs managed by AI along with 20% of the adult population that should be working but aren't, to carry out materials and bio-engineering research. Alternatively they could do their national service, civil defence training, or build off grid self supporting biomes for extended families, thereby not needing welfare support. With IT and AI set up right, there is no need for a welfare benefit system. Everyone would work within their physical and mental ability, or be in hospital. HMG also needs to replace the nation's housing stock with biomes for extended families, along with taxi-vans and air taxis, as described in Ideas/Chapter 28 of this website. In order to drastically reduce the nation's carbon footprint, we need to dramatically change our lifestyle. AI must not be allowed to create a leisure orientated lifestyle, as this would result in the human brain atrophying over perhaps only three generations.

  69. Having read the Labour government's future policy on the internet, I have the following comment to make: The Labour Party clearly has no more vision than the previous government. In day 2 they already wrote off maybe £400 million on the deportations to Rwanda. The manifesto listed here was presumably gathered from many who have no vision. How can HMG manage nationalized industries when it can't even manage the NHS. I can't even see a GP to get on a waiting list. Then of course there is the typical support for buses and commuter trains. No mention of taxi-vans and air taxis to take the elderly and disabled from door to door. Why spend a fortune updating our homes when they are rubbish. We need off-grid biomes for extended families, in which they can produce their own food, and thereby not be welfare dependent. If you want an affordable NHS that works, replace all GPs with NHS AI virtual GPs on the internet. There is not one mention of AI in this article. It will transform or destroy civilisation depending upon whether we have a world technocracy or not. The first problem is international. How do you create a world technocracy rather than waiting for a nuclear winter? Read www.world technocracy now.earth The vision is there.

  70. Like everything else, politics evolves, or should. Do you know of a British government that caused the pound to increase in value? I remember when it was worth $3-75 to the pound. It was worth about $5-00 in circa 1900. Now it's $1-38. Do you know of a British government that reduced the national debt, and kept it there? Do you know which was the last British government that gave you job security? Do you know which was the last British government that provided you with real wages? Do you know which was the last British government that promoted family values? Is it acceptable that no British government can create a national identity card, forcing people to go to great lengths to get a passport or DBS check? The Disclosure & Barring Service requires that you pass about five levels of security on their websites. I tried it. I received a letter marked 'strictly confidential' on the front of the envelope, with surprisingly 'Disclosure and Barring Service' on the back. The application instructions took about an hour to progress through, then the website packed up. I got the strong impression I'd been given the official heave ho. Us ex-cons aren't meant to work. 50% of employers won't employ a person with a criminal record, so only 30% of ex-cons do. My misdemeanour happened in 1984. There's no forgiveness, no redemption, so why should the main UK political parties receive any for the mess they've made of the UK over decades. It's time to boot them out of parliament forever. Vote independent or for a party determined to bring about constitutional reform, and maybe, with a majority, they will vote in a modern constitution, a technocracy, as described here on this website. Unfortunately too few new independents are elected in general elections. As of 13-09-2021 there were 134,200 dead from Covid-19, mainly because HMG wouldn't close the airports, seaports and channel tunnel to passengers for months, during which time thousands of infected people entered the UK. No UK politician has been arrested, tried and imprisoned for failings in this pandemic.

  71. Do you know of a British government that can do something as simple as defend our borders...our island? Do you really think that that bunch of headless chickens in the Commons, could push the nuclear button? I don't think so, and neither do our potential enemies. 750 Whirlpool tumble dryer fires since 2004, 72 social housing tenants killed in the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, 96 football supporters were killed in the Bradford City stadium fire in 1985, numerous elderly, disabled and mental health abuse cases lasting decades, 96 people crushed to death at Hillsborough football ground in 1989, as were 66 supporters at Ibrox Park in 1971. Also in the 1970's and 1980's was the NHS blood contamination scandal which killed at least 2400 people from hepatitus C and HIV. Then of course there is the eviction of the one thousand citizens of the Chagos Archipelago in 1971, to shanty huts in Mauritius and the Seychelles. No sooner were they out than three thousand Yanks settled into an airbase and naval support facility at Diego Garcia, located at the south-east point of the archipelago, which consists of seven atolls, comprising sixty islands, 300km overall. A deadline for UK withdrawal, demanded by the United Nations, was ignored by HMG in November 2019. Before that, in the late 1950's was Operation Grapple, where there was radioactive contamination of up to 22,000 military personnel on Christmas Island, in the Pacific Ocean, and in Australia, when 21 nuclear warheads were detonated. During the detonations they were expected to sit outside in the open. No slit trenches. They were treated like lab rats. No one received compensation. And I barely mention Ronald Maddison killed at the chemical weapons establishment, Porton Down, whilst 10 Rillington Place, London, stands for the ultimate injustice. I probably owe my life to the execution of Timothy Evans. It took half a century for the establishment to admit it had made a mistake. The entire HMG (Her Majesty's Government) is a mistake in my opinion. The details of all of these incidents you will find on the website Wikipedia.org. In most cases it leads to lengthy enquiries, and minor or suspended court cases, because HMG does not like seeing itself in the dock, as it implies that the entire British establishment is under attack. Well now, finally it is. How much more apathy, incompetence, corruption and superciliousness are you prepared to stomach? It's time you responded to the government's hire, fire and forget mentality. The terms 'dereliction of duty,' 'conduct unbecoming' and 'unfit for purpose' spring to mind. At least that was before Covid-19, the Post Office Horizon fiasco, and Conservative and Labour Party political party support for the genocide of the Palestinian nation. There simply aren't words to describe the disgust I feel towards the present UK political system.

  72. Now its crimes against humanity. Could it get any worse. Yes you could vote all these serial killers back into office, those that failed to provide adequate PPE to NHS staff based upon an NHS exercise that simulated this pandemic. Those that called for a relaxation of the lockdown knowing that additional people would die. Those that failed to protect clients in care homes and those that have used this pandemic as a political rostrum to get re-elected. When you think about it, what we don't need is another thumb sucking, apathetic government that gets into office by making false promises to the electorate, such as that over the future of the NHS. It's not for sale because HMG doesn't own it. As with our nationalised industries (coal, electricity, telecoms, shipbuilding, steel), it belongs to the nation. Part of our unofficial Sovereign Wealth Fund, which our corrupt politicians failed to create, unlike Norway. It was gifted to the nation by HMG as a reward for defeating the Nazis during world war two. I cannot end this brief word of advice without a mention of the late prime minister Margaret Thatcher. She created monetarism, which partly consisted of reducing the top rate of income tax. The top rate is still unrealistically low. That and the scrapping of Wages Councils and the creation of golden landlords, is what makes millionaires billionaires, and the working class peasants in the eyes of the establishment.

  73. What we plainly need is a technocracy, ultimately leading to a world technocracy. Voting in a majority of independent technocrats into parliament would hopefully then bring about a new constitution, fit for the twenty-first century, the details of which are on this website in the final chapters of the My Ideas section. Right now we are bankrupt, somewhere between two and four trillion pounds, depending on what you include. There is probably no way of paying off this debt, not to mention corporate and personal debts. Like many other governments HMG signs up to lower its CO2 output at COP meetings, and then the moment they get home, they agree to some expensive construction project that will only increase it, with little or no benefit to the long term economy. In 2024 it was clear that HMG would not spend money on defence. Much of our military equipment had been sent to defend the Ukraine from invading Russian forces, whilst penny pinching with our nuclear deterrent had caused two Trident missiles to misfire in a row. Having spent a fortune on the pandemic in 2021/2022, and then on high energy prices in 2023, HMG has run out of ways of borrowing more money. Backing Ukraine against Russia had put this nation at war, but unable to finance national service, nor even a civil defence programme.

  74. This website explains why mismanagement of the UK's tax revenue amounts be a gross misuse of hard earned and honest taxpayer's money. All these policies are designed to placate the mob. Don't be taken in again. Make no mistake about it, this is a class war, a naive and gullible electorate verses a contemptuous upper crust, the privileged elite, the British establishment. It is time we had a government of the people, for the people, on the internet, not in the pleasure Palace of Westminster. This website details the real facts of life. It is not for the squeamish. Read on if you dare.

  75. images intro/shut employment sea current generators.jpg
  76. SHUT: Employment in Electricity Generating Sea Current Farms

  77. This website is non-commercial and free to access.

  78. It amounts to a warning to the human race, which currently stands at a crossroads in its evolution. The following are a threat to our way of life, with no government having the power to prevent:

  79. 1...Artificial intelligence, androids, quantum computing are resulting in an ever growing world population chasing after too few job vacancies, to the point where at sometime in the future capitalism will collapse, due to the shortage of consumers. What happens then?

  80. 2...Genetic engineering of humans to remove or edit undesirable DNA, will ultimately result in thousands of back street clinics providing cosmetic DNA services to people, with similar desires to those with extensive tattoos. This will ultimately trash the human gene pool, ultimately leading to a breakdown of medical services.

  81. 3...At the moment the human race is on the verge of global thermonuclear war. Israel will nuke Iran, North Korea will nuke South Korea, Japan and the USA, thereby triggering mass attacks upon the PRC and Russia, who have both provided nuclear know how to North Korea, just as the UK and USA have provided it to Israel. The war will go on for months through various stages, nuclear, chemical, AI, biological, conventional, racial violence, sticks and stones. There will be no meaningful dialogue, whilst the lingering hatred may only end with the final extinction of our species, in another war related pandemic. The oppressor's final page in history will be read by very few people.

  82. 4...Well, if a third world war doesn't finish us off, there is always an industrial accident waiting in the wings. Government's don't give a damn what goes on in the workplace. Their interest in laboratory safety precautions is probably even further from their mind. Like nuclear reactors blowing up, it only takes one mistake. But make a serious mistake with GM (genetic modification) and it's highly likely to be the human races last. Under Murphy's law, whatever can happen, will happen. Some major nuclear accidents are as follows:

  83. Windscale, UK.............................1957

  84. Mayak, Russia.............................1957 & 2017

  85. Three Mile Island, USA................1979

  86. Chernobyl, Ukraine......................1986

  87. Fukushima Dai-ichi, Japan...........2011

  88. See Wikipedia for full list of nuclear accidents.

  89. 5...When it comes to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and their associated tsunamis, the limited geography impacted makes them bearable. Disasters on a global scale however amount to an extinction level event. In the space research chapter is listed such incidents. One of the causes is called Miyake events. You have probably never heard of them, whilst your legal representative probably hasn't either. As far as I know, no government has taken any steps to mitigate its effects. Basically it's a coronal mass ejection from the Sun, which can vary in strength, from the mild Carrington event in the mid nineteenth century that set fire to telegraph poles, to a major event lasting over one year. If powerful enough it could destroy all electrical and electronic systems, and trash the atmosphere, reducing global temperatures, making arable farming impossible.

  90. This website lists the problems facing the human race and their solution. It advocates the creation of a world technocracy. For those living outside the UK (United Kingdom of Great Britain) it describes life in Birmingham, UK with great detail. The webmaster does not advise you to come here, as it describes how multi-party democracy has trashed the UK's society and economy.

  91. To cheer you up, this website lists numerous hit songs, split into genre, which you can highlight and listen to on the worldwide web. The webmaster spent years creating these lists, so that you don't have to.

  92. For the avid book reader there is the webmaster's biography to read.

  93. This website has something for everyone, including jobseekers and investors. This should be essential reading for everyone. Educate yourself. Spread the word.

  94. images intro/WC GreenWikiGuys DEA_2274.jpg
  95. WC GreenWikiGuys: Sea Current Generator being hoisted

  96. This website is in six main parts. It is updated almost daily. It is designed to be educational for politicians, technocrats, economists, sociologists, scientists, students, etcetera in the hope that they can somehow bring about a world order composed of highly intelligent, self motivated, caring and relevantly trained technocrats, in the not too distant future. The images on this page are a reminder to politicians that the main threat to the human race is global warming. This website is composed of the following sections:

  97. Ideas; This a philosophical or technical view of the human race divided into 40 chapters. It tells you how things should be. It is basically an index of information that is already on the internet. The large chapters are 4...Getting A Job, 16...Space Research & UFOs, 19...Ecology - Global Warming, 21...The National Health Service (NHS), 24...Coronavirus Pandemic 28...Zero Carbon Requires Drastic Change In Lifestyle and 30...IT Information Technology, the latter devoted to creating a website. The purpose of this website however, is to promote the inevitable acceptance of a world technocracy, as described in chapters 37 to 39.

  98. Story; We all make mistakes, and here are mine.

  99. Music; The Immortals Music Hits Lists consists of about 13,000 music hits divided into 94 genre, which you can listen to on the internet. The music genre are in roughly chronological order, with international music (Afro Pop, India Pop, Latin, EU) at the end.

  100. Education; You think that getting qualifications will get you a well paid and secure job; think again. It's all pure chance, and whether your relatives and friends can find you employment, but it doesn't have to be.

  101. Hovel; This is a carousel of images of home and garden.

  102. Birmingham, UK; This is a carousel of images of the city I live in, Birmingham, UK. Plus hyperlinks to Birmingham based websites.

  103. Here you will learn the important facts of life which your parents and authority haven't got the guts to tell you about. This section contains images of clean energy plants, to emphasize the importance of going green, the importance of supplying clean energy to Europe during the Russia - Ukraine war, and as a way of paying off this nation's national debt.

  104. images intro/WC Unknown author, Severn_River_Tidal_Power_Project_1921.jpeg
  105. WC: Severn Tidal Barrage Proposed In 1921. It is unlikely that this vision
    will materialize, since large scale one off construction projects tend to
    far exceed their initial estimated cost and schedule. Whilst nuclear fusion
    will be with us in the year 2045, whilst a tidal barrage would be still standing
    until at least the year 2145, it does beggar the question, what do we do with
    it during the years its uneconomic, and also, how do we decommission it?

  106. A few years ago a pub drinking friend of mine died from diabetes. His brother came into the Brasshouse, my local pub, told the DJ he had died over Christmas, and left. They were both sudden departures. After some delay I eventually got a copy of his death certificate. Looking at it I realised that it was probably the only thing he had left behind for the human race to acknowledge his existence. And it then occurred to me that that would also apply to me, and countless others. No tombstone. Like my parents I would be cremated. It also occurred to me that for those that had died in wars and natural disasters, there was probably no funeral and no one close to them left alive to mourn. But that's nothing compared to those who are about to die, because for them, there will be no one left alive to issue the death certificates. Yes the end of the world is nigh. I decided not to kick the bucket without so much as a whimper. Instead, I created this website (the hard way without Wordpress), as a warning to those billions of people, whose life expectancy will be much shorter than mine. I was born in 1948, and having endured the rigors of a long life. I therefore consider myself eminently qualified to do this. I also feel a strong urge to get this subject off my back, so I can then get back to my gardening. I have mulled over the problems facing the human race for over thirty years, so please take these ideas seriously.

  107. The human race now stands at a crossroads. Advancing technology such as nuclear fusion, artificial intelligence and bio-engineering are dictating this. Humans can either undergo a drastic change in their thinking and way of life, or they can literally go to hell. Become extinct. This website exposes the problems and lists the solutions. They may be solutions, but I do not believe there is a hope in hell of them ever being realised. The reason is plainly obvious. Whilst technology advances, political systems do not. Multi party democracies, politicians and electorate, are fearful of change. They want to maintain the status quo, preserve the establishment. In order to do that, they ignore the dangers that new technologies present. As such, these political systems are looked upon as being apathetic, incompetent and corrupt. The UK has no written constitution, and therefore no recognised way of reforming itself to any large extent. The entire structure of government is dictated by the need to ensure that no one becomes dictator, thereby ensuring that bureaucracy rules. Nothing gets done on time and within budget. Seeing politicians running around like headless chickens in the House of Commons over Brexit, fills me with despair, as I'm sure it does others. They are plainly unfit to manage a nation. What nations need is professionalism within government, but there is not enough time for that to evolve. The advancement of global warming and terrorism clearly dictates that an intelligent world order be created immediately. Conceivably this can only come about through the United Nations, and if it doesn't then there are two things that the general public can do. Firstly there can be a referendum on the creation of a World Technocracy, throughout the developed world, just as soon as the first internet satellite constellation is launched (probably Starlink or OneWeb). Currently 4.4 billion people use the internet, in 2019, whilst even in the UK there are still homes and businesses without it. The referendum would have to be arranged by an alternative to the UN, namely a non-government organisation, such as Extinction Rebellion. I leave out the third world because many do not even have a proper democracy, so are unlikely to know what a technocracy would be like, and in any case, the people's of the third world will gladly join the developed world later, in theory. Secondly, if you have the money, you may well prefer to relocate to a peaceful but remote part of the southern hemisphere (away from any expected nuclear fall-out), and live off grid with a zero carbon lifestyle.

  108. images intro/WC Vitafougue Makai's_Ocean_Thermal_Energy_Conversion_Scale_Up.jpg
  109. WC: An Ocean Thermal Energy Converter Power Station generates electricity,
    derived from the difference in temperature of cold deep sea water and warm
    surface water, the heat difference from which turns a turbo-generator.

  110. As I write this in November 2019, there are numerous protests in London, including the environment, Brexit, global economic excesses, and soldier F bloody Sunday incident. Democracies permit protest, but do they really achieve anything? When politicians really take notice, the protesters usually end up corralled up a side street for hours, shitting in their pants. For those of you prepared to suffer such ignominious treatment, here are a few noteworthy organisations simply wanting a higher quality of life:

  111. Problems Facing the Human Race

  112. Solutions to some of the problems listed here can be found in the Ideas section of this website.

  113. 1...Once AI can produce its own computer code, it will be able to design highly capable androids that will supplant humans in the workplace. Since all humans will then be unemployed, where will the 'earnings' come from for consumerism to continue supporting the global economy? It's obvious to me that there needs to be a new financial system. This web site proposes and details such a system.

  114. 2...Many people have tattoos, plastic surgery or gender change for no medical reason. In a world of bioengineering, how will your government stop thousands of back street clinics changing their clients genome, in order to look more attractive? Some of these genome changes maybe passed on to future generations, thereby trashing the standard human genome. Imagine the bar scene in the movie Star Wars, at your local. Such a situation would prove catastrophic for the medical services. A similar problem already exists in the UK regarding teeth-whitening clinics. These are required to be registered with the General Dental Council, but some have illegal qualifications, resulting in burns and lost teeth in clients. Teeth whitening kits are now available to everyone on the internet. If the authorities can't put a stop to that, what hope is there for the future?

  115. images intro/WC uhe.gov.ua Dniester_Pumped_Storage_Power_Station.jpg
  116. WC: Dniester Pumped Storage Power Station generates peak electricity,
    derived from water moving under gravity, which then turns turbo machinery,
    which pumps water to the top reservoir during off peak periods.
    This is cheaper than building new power stations for peak use.
    Other means of storing electricity are heated sodium salt, compressed air
    stored in caves, stored liquefied air or generators moving down hill, or
    disused mine shaft, on rails.

  117. 3...In a world of AI, what is to stop one person (a domineering politician having a bad day) from triggering WWIII, when that nation's armed forces consist solely of androids and AI equipped missiles, requiring minimal human intervention? Only a world technocracy can counter this threat by scrapping military weapons, thereby channeling the newly available personnel into building a new civilisation for everyone on this planet. Many ships and aircraft could become part of an international rescue organisation, or engage in oceanographic research, or the removal of polluting waste such as plastic.

  118. 4...What is there to stop major aerospace companies in the USA from triggering a galactic war with aliens, when American politicians appear to be unwilling to engage in forensic accountancy, regarding unrealistically expensive science and aerospace projects? Something is going on, but the USG is doing nothing in order to monitor this. Does the TR-3B exist? Not according to USG. If Russia has nuclear powered cruise missiles, why doesn't the USA have something equally as fantastic? Why is it lying to its allies on this subject? Why is it lying to its own electorate? Plausible deniability fools no one.

  119. 5...As technology advances, terrorist organizations and suicidal individuals are becoming more dangerous. To wipe out the human race one would only have to study bioengineering, to create a cocktail of lethal viral and bacterial strains, including a zombie virus, replicate them, seal them in sample bags disguised as perfume samples (to avoid detection at postal sorting centres) and post them to unsuspecting people around the world at christmas, ensuring that medical research centre neighbourhoods are included. If it was transmitted easily and had a long incubation period, then the success rate is likely to be high. Government agencies cannot just sit there and see how these things develop, because the first attempt may prove totally successful. This web site explains how this and other crimes can be prevented. But does your government have the intelligence and guts to implement it? In the end, if we don't get a world technocracy, these governments, in despair, will wipe out the human race, probably leaving a few outposts on the Moon and Mars. Only a WT (world technocracy) can prevent this and all other crimes from happening. This web site details the solution.

  120. 6...Is your government and financial system prepared to become totally honest? Will it agree to scrap bank notes and coins, thereby making all transactions transparent, effectively putting an end to offshore accounts, money laundering, confidence tricks via the internet, including crypto-currencies and other money related crimes? Will you ban the transfer of money abroad, except directly by approved companies to other approved companies. AI should at the very least monitor international calls, and disconnect them the moment it detects an attempt at fraud. Until then these exchanges should be monitored by humans. In addition, dormant bank accounts, that is those that do not carry out at least two transactions per month, should be shut down (frozen) immediately. A nominal reactivation charge would apply. This would highlight to banks, etc. those people who are unable to manage their accounts, necessitating that there activities be monitored more intensely. Financial institutions would be legally required to arrange a third party mandate or power of attorney, for an account holder who is not mentally able to manage their financial affairs. They would be required to interview the account holder annually. I believe that every person should be entitled to have a current account and a deposit account, regardless of mental capability. AI will be able to police the global financial system, but it is unlikely to do so as long as frontiers, and petty political squabbles exist. AI is more likely to be used by terrorists and gangsters to destroy the internet and all computers connected to it.

  121. images intro/WC Rjglewis Steam_Separator_Kawerau_Power_Plant_NZ.jpg
  122. WC: Geothermal Power Stations exist in areas of volcanic & plate tectonic
    movement such as Iceland. They should also be located as a means of preventing
    super volcanic eruptions, by cooling the ground, but these tend to be remote
    locations offering no economic advantage, or are ignored by governments.
    The Bay of Naples is a typical example.

  123. images intro/WC Rehman Abubakr Geothermal_Binary_System.jpg
  124. WC: Geothermal Power Station Schematic Diagram

  125. You can complain to the Advertising Standards Authority, an organisation financed by the advertising industry. I complained to them years ago about my LG smart TV. The advertising did not include details of CPU, RAM, ROM, browser, operating system, and a manual that was anything but helpful. I had contacted LG via the internet, and the people there had no information about my set, an LG 47LW550T, nor whether it could be updated and made secure. Based upon my experience I do not advise you to buy a smart TV. I got nowhere because of a technicality. I left it too late to complain. And if you are looking for a way of disposing or recycling your electronics, read this:

  126. Anyone who has connected to the internet has probably come across msn and a plethora of 'news stories' to click on. Many of them offer PPI (payment protection insurance) refunds or some other windfall. They are all designed to extract your personal details, but for who? The CIA or criminals? Tap in a website you want to go to, and is it the first website on the list that appears? No it isn't. Now try criminal record checks, and you will probably be surprised to see that www.gov.uk is not at the top of the list. What are these other organisations, and why are they being allowed to operate? There appears to be nothing to stop someone setting up a copycat website designed to steal your personal data and sell it to others. Why is this? Is the government and police really that incompetent? Just who is policing the internet? Apparently no one. This is why parliament needs to be replaced by an all embracing complaints department, additionally with laws created via the internet, by the people, for the people. Incidentally, the owners of websites at the top of these lists pay the browser company to display them there.

  127. For UK businesses seeking guidance over Brexit, please note that there are many unofficial websites offering advice, presumably for a small fee. My advice is to go to the following official website:

  128. 7...Is your government willing to sign an international agreement to police in real time the internet and global financial system effectively, employing a supercomputer with both detection and executive action capability, without the need for human involvement? The alternative to the internet is for each nation to have its own intranet, which it could police far more effectively than present.

  129. images intro/NASA niac_2011_phase1_mankins.jpg
  130. NASA: SPS-ALPHA (Solar Power Satellite via Arbitrarily Large Phased Array) is a novel,
    bio-mimetic approach to the challenge of space solar power. Proposed in 2011

  131. images intro/WC NASA_solar_power_satellite_concept_1976.jpg
  132. WC: Space Based Solar Power Stations are potentially huge structures
    with equivalent photo-voltaic & launch costs. If in low Earth orbit,
    they would require numerous antenna receivers in numerous countries.
    Such an arrangement would probably require a world technocracy to set
    up and manage, converting sunlight into electricity for all.

  133. 8...And on the subject of global warming, is your government prepared to do the following:

  134. 8A...Outlaw the manufacture of fossil fuel burning automobiles in two years time, and outlaw the use of similar vehicles in seven years time? Theses cars will be replaced by dual use taxi vans for people and parcel delivery owned by taxi companies only, due to their high purchase price, high maintenance standards and high usage required. Re-charging will be in off road car parks and through the use of under road surface charging points at major road junctions. Private parking areas will be converted to gardens, which the government will encourage, in order to improve people's well being, and the environment. Additional gardens will be created in road narrowing schemes, since the number of smart vehicles will only be about a quarter of what exists at present, greatly reducing the need for street parking. As photo-voltaic arrays increase in efficacy, vehicles fitted with such technology may not require recharging points.

  135. 8B...Ensure that all new dwellings are off-grid zero carbon bio-homes (biomes), including areas for the in-house production of food (vegetables, fruit, rabbit, chicken, fish)? This will lead to the phasing out of food outlets (supermarkets, etc.), and traditional animal farming, particularly cattle and sheep (due to their methane production)? Since no cattle will be reared and no leather imported, the boot & shoe industry will have to employ alternative bio-degradable materials, such as pineapple, bamboo, jute, hemp, kelp and cork. Bio-homes will need two family groups to live in them in order to maintain the food production facilities whilst the other family are on holiday. The state will have to outlaw the concept of adults living on their own. Biomes are necessary, not just to reduce our carbon footprint, but to also give people alternative employment in an AI dominated working environment, through the management of their hydroponic facilities, etc., in an automated world, as a means of combating obesity, crime and mental illness, etc. Other civilisation's had their pyramids, zig-a-rats and great walls, and we will have our biomes.

  136. Whilst biomes will produce their electricity from steerable photo-voltaic arrays and heating via the glazed structure, we must be realistic and provide clean energy for existing homes. Electricity can come from PVAs, whilst heating can come from grass. Most homes do not have enough space for heating from PVAs, so why not switch from underground natural gas to on the ground bio-methane from grass grown on marginal land? After harvesting, the grass would be placed in anaerobic digesters, where an absence of oxygen would produce flammable gas. The electricity provider Ecotricity are promoting this idea in the UK, and assuming their figures are accurate, it definitely beats heat pumps. It would cost just 10% of that of heat pumps, use the existing gas network, provide thousands of jobs in the countryside and protect nature, thereby complying with UN ecology standards. It would also fit in with HMG's agricultural policy since leaving the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. In January 2022 HMG announced its policies based upon the Sustainable Farming Incentive, Local Nature Recovery and Landscape Recovery. Whilst some people feel that these policies would encourage added food imports, the necessary investment in vegetable production under glass and hydroponics, precludes this.

  137. 8C...Replace deep sea fishing with factory farmed fish, in order to improve bio-diversity? How many species have gone extinct in the world's oceans in the past two centuries that science has never seen?

  138. 8D...Outlaw foreign holidays, whilst banning foreign tourists? This will require the make-over of UK based holiday resorts. The alternative is to switch to electric or bio-fueled powered airliners.

  139. 8E...Issue trade embargoes against countries engaged in slash and burn agriculture, including the destruction of tropical rain forests, rape of the seas through industrialised fishing, and those engaged in industrial espionage, phishing, fraud, misinformation and denial of service over the internet.

  140. images intro/shut employment wind turbine at low tide.jpg
  141. SHUT: Employment in electricity generating offshore wind farms

  142. 8F...Ensure that spectators to public events come from the local area only, in order to reduce the nation's travel carbon footprint? Smart vehicles will likely supersede established cars, taxis, buses and coaches. So how are you going to get back from such an event. Will you pay to keep your smart taxis waiting for you, until the event ends? That could be expensive.

  143. images intro/ kallerna PVA Andasol_5.jpg
  144. WC: A photo-voltaic array of thousands of silicon panels generates
    electricity directly from sunlight. The direct current passes through
    to a DC storage battery, then to AC inverter and thence to the national
    electricity grid.

  145. images intro/WC afloresm PS10_solar_power_tower_2.jpg
  146. WC: Mirrored array generates electricity from sunlight. The sunlight heats
    a tank of sodium salts located at the top of the tower, which can retain
    their heat for the generation of electricity whenever needed.

  147. 8G...Ban plastic products including plastic bags, bottles, car dashboards & upholstery, children's toys, flooring, construction kits, and replace electric cable with MIMS (mineral insulated metal sheathed); in fact everything composed of non-biodegradable plastic should be banned? Alternatives to plastic are, paper, cardboard, wood, ceramics, zinc, grape waste, liquid wood/lignin, etc. There are at least three biodegradable plastics such as PCL which is used in medical sutures. They are not liked by the plastics industry because they can get mixed up with recycled standard plastic, and corrupt it. As for the alternatives to wood and paper, research at MIT, California, USA, where zinnia plant cells are being 3D printed into shapes, suggests that artificial wood could be available in 2030. We now have plastic bags at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. The only answer therefore is to ban plastics completely. Nine billion tonnes of plastic has been produced worldwide since 1950. Much of that still exists in some form. The largest plastic monument on the planet consists of 134 square miles of poly tunnels on fruit and vegetable farms in southern Spain. In March 20202 Dutch scientists at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Amsterdam University Medical Centre found micro-plastics in the blood stream of humans for the first time. It has taken 80 years to prove that plastics aren't simply contaminating the planet, they are contaminating us. What does it take for governments to pull their finger out and ban almost all plastics?

  148. 8H...Ban fireworks (to be replaced by reprogrammable LED light shows), etc?

  149. 8I...Impose alternatives to cement, which is used in concrete, but emits masses of carbon dioxide during manufacture? Alternatives are aircrete, mycelium or hempcrete. Or artificial cellulose as an alternative to wood, steel and concrete. It has been calculated that the PRC consumed more concrete in two years, from 2011 to 2013, than the whole of the USA in all of the twentieth century. It is of course, not the only country that wants to dramatically improve the living standards of its citizens, but it probably explains why the oceans are getting warmer, increasing evaporation and hence precipitation over north America and northern Europe. Once in a hundred year storms over the UK are now arriving annually. It is clearly global warming. It must stop, and the only way to do that is through an international agreement in law, either through the United Nations, International Law Court or both. All materials and industrial processes, including fertilizer, that produce carbon dioxide, methane or CFCs must be banned. As the storms become more frequent, the winds become faster. Just how long have we got before the roofs on our homes are blown away?

  150. However, all is not doom and gloom. Whilst the United Nations maybe incapable of creating the necessary laws to outlaw the production of cement, when one looks at the big picture, one realizes that once energy becomes far cheaper with the introduction of nuclear fusion, improved battery and PVA efficiency, other opportunities arise. Cheaper electricity means cheaper steel and ceramics as alternatives to concrete.

  151. 8J...Eight per cent of the world's carbon emissions comes from tourism. Now I haven't had a holiday for thirty-six years, and surprisingly, I don't feel that I need one. I really enjoy where I live, despite the constant rain. Birmingham, UK, is a great city, but it could be better. Instead of people going on long plane journeys, burning all that jet fuel, don't you think it would be better to build holiday venues close to population centres, here in the UK for instance?

  152. 8K...Admit that recycling of waste via wheelie bins is a failure and adopt refuse disposal by incineration and plasma arc recycling. Recycling from wheelie bins requires numerous expensive and bulky waste bins, rubbish that requires sorting by people who are hard to recruit, whilst the recycled waste merely encourages competing similar new materials to fall in price, below the recycled price. Recycled plastic is not wanted by the industry because of contamination problems. As a result, whilst some plastics are recyclable, they cannot be recycled because the recycling plant has not been built. It also requires a co-operative general public, many of whom are social misfits in a society where there is no national service....yet. Plasma arc recycling may cost more as regards energy use, but it can also be used to treat historic waste on landfill sites. As with incinerators, the waste heat can be used in industrial plant or on housing estates, whilst the ash can be used as a building material and the solid waste does not generally require separation.

  153. 8L..Relocate the entire population of the UK to Madagascar. Why? Read the rest of my website. We need to learn from the pharaohs.

  154. Yes, to combat global warming requires a drastic change in lifestyle. This is the opposite of what government advisers are saying. Please, also read Chapter 19 of My Ideas, on the subject of global warming, etc.

  155. images intro/WC Kenneth Allen Hydro_Electric_Generator_Omagh.jpg
  156. WC: Hydro Electric Generator, Omagh, Ireland
    Fitted With Archimedes Screw

  157. 9...Now we come to the embarrassing subject of sex. No I'm not talking about MP's bonking their secretaries. I'm talking about the population explosion. Yes it's still with us despite what the experts say, and the problem is likely to get worse. Advances in medical science, will lead to longer, healthier and more sexually productive lives, particularly in the third world where, due to advances in automation, the benefits of the global economy will never reach. The more spare time people have, and the more repeats on TV, the more likely it is that people will invent their own entertainment...sex! Is your government capable of arranging your society's leisure time, and imposing mass contraception, particularly on your nation's ethnic minorities? Where is their TV channel on Freeview that matches their culture and religion?

  158. 10...One of the greatest problems facing HMG every day, that costs the government billions of pounds per year, is obesity. HMG has no idea how to combat it. I was walking through Grand Central one day, a place full of cafes above New Street railway station, Birmingham, and watched an obese couple urging their son to take a cake from a three tier platter that they had bought. Somehow I don't think HMG is going to get through to these people in a softly softly approach. It will take government to impose food rationing and the imposition of physical sports and hobbies, in order to create a healthier general public. As it is, HMG cannot even ban junk foods, and ration other foods to certain times of the year, such as Christmas and Easter. With dual use zero polluting taxis driven by computers replacing public transport, cars, etcetera, that leaves an awful lot of unoccupied empty space in front gardens. It's time government's started promoting gardening, as a means of getting fit, extending wildlife habitats, improving diet and air quality. Is your government up to it? Somehow I doubt it. Heart disease, diabetes, fat removal, gut constriction, hip and knee joint replacements, will just go on and on. It's also time that HMG passed legislation compelling employers to set up gymnasiums and social clubs, plus high quality working environments to improve general physical and mental well being.

  159. 11...Austerity, what austerity? The national debt has almost doubled during this so called austerity period. Clearly there has been no real austerity. We should all be on the national minimum wage until all government, company and individual debts have been paid off, by which time you will all possess an intense loathing for capitalism. Clearly this is not going to happen, since capitalism doesn't work where there is too much automation, low wages and unemployment, due to insufficient consumerism. Most of these debts will never be paid off. Government's are ignoring this fact just as effectively as HMG is ignoring the problems listed here. There will of course come a day of reckoning, and if it's not planned, you will probably have to say goodbye to civilisation.

  160. In this age of austerity HMG must review existing grandiose government projects.

  161. 11A...Scrap HS2 high speed rail link from London to Birmingham, Manchester & Leeds. Speeds above 125mph inter city cannot be justified financially because the country is geographically too small, and anyway, we are bankrupt, and should therefore invest only in something with export potential, not a project based on rail lines from the PRC, signalling from Germany and rolling stock from Japan. And of course there is the environmental impact. The Wildlife Trust has stated that the construction of HS2 will destroy 108 ancient woodland sites, and prove detrimental to the wildlife that depends upon it. There must be a way of stopping it. The peasants aren't protesting effectively. It's a slowly unfolding tragedy. How much will it cost to cancel it? In February 2020 the prime minister Boris Johnson, announced that the project would go ahead.

  162. 11B...Give full support to the UK's nuclear fusion industry, including the mass production of power stations for rapid export. Scaled down, fusion technology could possibly power air taxis and airliners.

  163. 11C...Promote self driving electric vehicles, battery technology based upon UK mined lithium and graphene, etc.

  164. 11D...Support bio-engineering, and other medical advances.

  165. These will be the nation's new wealth creating ventures, after docklands and North Sea oil. And this time we should create a sovereign wealth fund consisting of global investments, to support the welfare state, pensions, health and elderly care.

  166. images intro/shut stimulus nuclear fusion tokamak.jpg
  167. SHUT: Nuclear Fusion Tokamak operates at a temperature ten times that at
    the Sun's core. However, since most low temperature fusion reactors are
    initiated by laser ignition, they may prove to be a better bet. Since they
    would be relatively small to install in transport systems, and quick to
    mass produce in their tens of thousands. If only the necessary high powered
    lasers were available.

  168. 11E...Nuclear fusion, assuming it can generate cheap electricity, would negate the need for HMG to insulate existing UK homes to a higher standard. However, even if HMG wanted to go ahead, it may well be cheaper to locate new homes in a warmer climate that requires lower, and hence cheaper, construction standards, and is more appealing to a more leisure orientated society. Further reasons as to why we should do this, are in the '28...Zero Carbon Requires Drastic Change In Lifestyle' section of this web site.

  169. The one thing that most people want, no matter where in the world they live, more than anything else, is a home fit for the twenty-first century. HMG should instigate a project to design and factory build such bio-homes using advanced materials and techniques, for home consumption and export. Should they be ceramic domes or 3D printed 'traditional layout' zero carbon homes?

  170. 12...IT standards! In January 2018 there were reports of computer user's losing data following confessions from INTEL regarding the spectre, meltdown and foreshadow CPU architecture bugs. Now we have the Zombieload bug. What's next? I have seen anomalies on my computer screens. It's worrying, especially if you're using this software and hardware in financial institutions and engineering design. Just who do you blame? Is it the CPU manufacturer, the operating system provider, or the application's supplier? And as each software fix is installed, our computer's get slower and slower, to the point where my brain can't work that slowly. It blows my mind, as I'm sure my neighbours would testify. Meanwhile parliament sucks its thumb, whilst the government buries its head in the silicon sand to the problem of increasing worker efficiency. We will soon reach the point, hopefully, when AI will be able to write flawless, secure and advanced computer code. Hopefully, someone or something will then write a complete range of compatible software, and give it away to the world, and we will also have no more badly designed hardware for it to run on. In the meantime, we all pray, because clearly this problem is beyond the capabilities of individual governments. My computers get slower as Windows 10 gets more bloated. Windows 11 came out in late 2021 but won't run on my PCs. With Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 in 2025, I guess I'll have to switch either to Windows 11 Lite or Linux. The option of replacing my three computers with a new one is simply not acceptable from a zero carbon point of view, is it?

  171. If you look at my GTC engineering notes in the education section of this web site, you will see that they display smaller than other exercise books. This is because I scanned them three years later than the others, by which time I had forgotten how to do it, and omitted to write down the instructions. I had so many files on my computer by then, I couldn't tell one from the other because the apps don't display the file extension nor the file path. On top of that I had computer failings due to overheating in the July 2019 heat wave, whilst my bathroom flooded, but that's another story. Through trial and error I scanned the documents (JPG's), saved as reduced dpi and converted them each to a HTM and _files folders, but it took about one month, by which time I was a nervous wreck. HMG is proposing to train prison inmates to program. Well in that case they can produce a full range of apps and the operating system to run them on, then give it to the world. Whilst using it, an algorithm can analyze what the user is doing and provide hints, including offering the name and address of British companies that can help in their endeavor. This is modern day public relations and marketing. Why do we need public relations? Well maybe then we will win the Eurovision song contest again.

  172. 13...Knife crime! Some people might regard me as an expert on the subject, though in all honesty, I don't feel that I am any better at advising HMG than anyone else. Take away one weapon, such as firearms, and people will simply use something else. As I stated in my biography, tomahawks, flare guns, etc. As for banning hunting knives, border guards will have to look out for them, whilst gangs will simply sharpen cutlery knives. Yesterday it was acid, and today it's knives, tomorrow, who knows? How do you get rid of knives, as a potential weapon? Well, in prison the cutlery is all plastic. I'm sure that will go down well at a state banquet in Buck Place. As for the rest of us, I suppose we will all be relegated to the use of chopsticks, including quality restaurants in the pleasure palace of Westminster. So prime minister, when will the knife amnesty be? And how much compensation do we get for our family heirlooms, including cutlery wedding presents? I'm certain that many knife crimes could be prevented if only the media would stop broadcasting these incidents. It serves no good purpose in doing so. The police could request help from the general public by sending messages to local people's mobile phones. These crimes could be reduced by encouraging young people to take part in girl guides, scouts, sea and air cadets, youth clubs, and school evening events with parents in order to instil discipline. However, discipline begins at home, from a stable family background, not single parent environment. In the UK it is no longer necessary to determine where blame lies in order to get a divorce. Marriage is becoming an irrelevance, but cohabitation is not. HMG should make the formation of new partnerships a priority. It is also clear that the UK's illicit drug culture must be brought to an end. As for the creation of a crime free society, where there are no prisons, no courts and no police, not even androids, you will have to read MY Ideas section of this web site for answers.

  173. 14...The touchy subject of anti-social behaviour needs to be addressed. People that repeatedly vandalize properties, fail to maintain their own home to acceptable standards, constantly drop litter or fly tip, nag people, or constantly blast music to the point where it affects others mental well being, need to be taken to task. During the middle ages the ducking stool was used on women who nagged. Since the scrapping of corporal punishment, there has been no substitute. My biography clearly shows that it's time that there was. When it comes to nagging, we had thirty years of the troubles in Northern Ireland on BBC News, and God knows how many years we'll have on Brexit. And during the quiet periods we'll have that wailing banshee north of Hadrian's Wall bemoaning the fact that the Scots did not vote for Brexit and that the union is a union only in the eyes of those in Westminster. That's what happens when people stare at spiders for too long.

  174. 15...People talk a lot about discrimination, but when it comes to discrimination against ex-cons, no one wants to talk about it. I am of course talking about the insurance industries aversion to risk by not wanting to insure the home and contents of people with criminal records. It is time that this policy was outlawed, particularly as web sites encourage ex-cons to apply for it, by not mentioning the escape clauses until they have filled in the long application form on the internet. It beggars the question, how many insurance policies are worthless because the applicant has been incentivised to lie about their past. A list of rejecting insurance companies can be seen on a price comparison web site. It is a grim display of discrimination.

  175. You can complain to:

  176. I'm not sure which of the above is relevant.

    images intro/WC Global_Temperature_And_Forces.jpg
  177. WC: Global Temperature Trend & Causes

  178. On April 29th, 2020 I attempted to buy home and home contents insurance, through Go Compare (https://www.gocompare.com/car-insurance/), at a cost of £197-36. I filled in their application form correctly, after going through it about five times. The one important question concerned my criminal record. 'Do you or anyone else living at the property have any unspent criminal convictions? I answered yes. The cheapest insurance policy was through an insurance broker called Deeside Insurance Brokers Limited, Shotton, Flintshire, UK. I filled in their application form via the internet correctly, and paid the required fee. It also asked about criminal records saying,'Have you got any criminal convictions or prosecutions pending?' The normal terminology is 'unspent.' I looked up pending in my Penguin Pocket English Dictionary. It means either 'until' or 'yet decided'. Since my case had most definitely been decided in 1984, I answered 'no.' I later realised that if I had said yes, a relevant hidden page would then have appeared, asking for more details. Now I had gone through this application form five times without seeing this page. At the time I saw that the cancellation fee was sixty pounds, and I did not use PayPal. I later received forms from the broker to sign. There were two details that were incorrect, as follows.

  179. The application looked suspicious as the time I had been at the present address was stated as one year instead of six.

  180. Have you or anyone who normally lives with you ever been convicted of, or charged with but not yet tried for, any offence other than a driving offence?

  181. At the top of the page it stated Rainbow Statement Of Fact, and the logo of the insurance company Legal & General. Now I knew that Legal & General insurance don't accept policies from ex-cons, so I emailed the facts to AIM. They then charged me the sixty pounds cancellation fee, and told me that the repayment will take up to 45 days. And I still have the application forms. Should I contact the police at 0300 123 2040 www.actionfraud.police.uk? I want a full refund. On June 26th, 2020, £107-30 was deposited into my current account.

  182. All this beggars the following questions:

  183. 15-1...Does Go Compare know and approve of what is going on?

  184. 15-2...Does the regulatory body know and approve of what is going on?

  185. 15-3...Why are brokers listed on the internet, when the whole purpose of the web is to streamline business by eliminating the middle men, particularly in investment, pensions, insurance and employment agencies? Doesn't HMG believe in efficiency?

  186. 15-4...Are these job opportunities being created by politicians, in order to grease the palms of their friends and relatives?

  187. 15-5...When the insurance sector refuses to take on the risk of offering ex-cons insurance, surely that implies that these companies are not really what they claim to be? Surely that requires HMG to sort things out, because this policy affects not just ordinary people but also potential investors and entrepreneurs?

  188. 15-6...What is the percentage of policies that the insurance sector regards as fraudulent, and what does HMG intend to do about it?

  189. 15-7...Will I and others get all of our monies back? I'm still waiting for my dental fine to be handed back.

  190. 15-8...Don't you think its about time we eliminated this problem by scrapping money and capitalism? HMG could be the insurer through taxation. Of course that would probably require creating a technocracy first.

  191. images intro/WC Diagram_showing_ten_indicators_of_global_warming.jpg
  192. WC: Diagram showing ten indicators of global warming

  193. I sent an email based upon the above text to the FCA on 28-06-20. About one week later I sent a letter to L&G, and emails to ASA and the Financial Ombudsman.

  194. Every government department I contacted appeared to be closed due to the pandemic. After waiting weeks for a response from them I finally contacted Action Fraud on August 22nd, 2020. Although I had a detailed letter containing names and dates, I had to enter this information piecemeal into the websites dialogue boxes. It was very tedious and frustrating, because I could see no end to this affair. No matter how rough the going gets, you never shut down government. By now HMG was considering shutting down over one hundred local authorities, many of which were deeply in debt due to government financial cuts and the cost of running public transport with little customer revenue due to Covid-19. In late August 2020 I received an email from Victim Support. Well I only lost about seventy-five pounds, whilst others have lost their entire life savings, and still HMG fails to put warning advertisements on TV about the subject. Is it mentioned in soap operas on TV? When are people in this country going to get paid in SPEVs?

  195. On November 10th, 2020 I received a lengthy email from the Financial Ombudsman Service, basically telling me that I didn't have a leg to stand on. Well this is my response:

  196. 15-9...This insurance broker charges me 75 pounds, which presumably included admin, when the stated cancellation fee is 60 pounds. Why should I pay any when clearly the broker is at fault? He had, it appears, duped the price comparison website, whilst hundreds of other insurers had not.

  197. 15-10...In addition the broker falsifies my insurance application by stating that I had lived there less than one year.

  198. 15-11...The insurance broker has created its own regulations that nullify HMG's regulations, whilst the regulatory bodies and parliament do nothing about it. Although I complained within 3 days of receiving from Deeside a copy of the application form to Legal & General, the 14 day cooling off period has little impact as the broker can clearly charge what it likes, even though internet advice states that the cancellation fee should be about 15 pounds.

  199. 15-12...I have to fill in 2 application forms (Go Compare and Deeside), whilst parts of the latter are only visible to me depending upon the answers I initially give. This makes it impossible for an applicant to know with certainty what they are signing up to.

  200. 15-13...In addition the vast majority of the insurance sector does not provide insurance to ex-cons, which amounts to up to 30% of the population. Clearly the insurance sector does not want to take on risk. Why does parliament turn a blind eye to what's going on?

  201. Despite this, the blame for the cancellation is put on me. After serious thought, I can only state the following: I cannot in any way recommend price comparison websites, nor any part of the insurance sector in this country, nor the use of brokers in any financial transactions. The bodies that I contacted in this affair were created by parliament to protect the consumer. Instead, these bodies appear to be nothing more than employment bureaucracies. This case shows that it simply doesn't pay to be honest. This is a serious state of affairs.

  202. Another internet based fraud case I experienced, is on this website at
    Ideas>Ideas 6...A Crime Free Society Search: WEA

  203. 16...There are of course other less grand problems facing the human race, which government's appear to be totally incapable of addressing, such as mercy killing, a will depository (that would no doubt promote payments to charities, instead of to HM treasury), welfare benefits paid directly only to men (in order to promote marriage and the stable upbringing of children, whilst reducing demand for housing for single parent families), etc.

  204. 17...I have spent the last thirty three years effectively doing nothing (1987 to 2020). I didn't realise my life would end up that way. With AI doing all the work, have you really got the determination to spend most of your life doing nothing? Of course not. You want a challenge in life. A family probably, but where? The weather in northern Europe is miserable at least seven months of the year. Don't you think your government should arrange a suitable alternative, in the leisure orientated society that AI will provide? This website explains why the answer to this problem is not as easy as you might think. It's a matter of economics. It's not just for the under-employed but also the retired, especially those requiring social care, which is presently experiencing a nine billion pound shortfall in HMG's budget. And as for scrapping pensioner's free bus passes, 200 pound winter fuel allowance and free TV licence for the over 75's, and demanding God knows how much of my savings to pay for social care, I'll agree to that when you and your cronies receive your remunerations via a payment-by-results scheme, managed by MENSA!

  205. images intro/WC AEDP Distribuzione_gaussiana_dell'intelligenza.jpg
  206. WC: Gaussian distribution of intelligence

  207. 18...As I write this a computer games contest is being set up, where the prize money will be greater than that at the Wimbledon tennis tournament. Don't you think its about time this effort was channeled elsewhere, to something more important. Our education system is at least thirty years out of date. Where is the interactive education and training software? I educated my ex-wife on software in 1983, so why is it that the software that I use has no such help programs? HMG is plainly ignoring the basics of a successful economy. By the year 2030 it is likely that AI will have arrived in the workplace. That being so, don't you think our school children should be educated for such an environment. That is, educated in sport, arts and crafts. After playing computer chess one realizes that there is no place for most humans in the work place, anymore than when Direct Numerical Control took over from manual systems.

  208. You know, economics, accountancy and management are subjects that politicians know little about. Ask them what they will do to stop the pound from falling, and they will just say that the lower its value, the cheaper and more competitive our exports are. What exports? In the 1980's parliament just stood there, sucking their thumb whilst watching prime minister Margaret Thatcher trash engineering and manufacturing exporters through high interest rates, in order to undermine the power of the trade union movement and worker's rights. As a result, millions of careers were destroyed. Nationalised industries were broken up (to prevent nationwide strikes) and sold off. The money was used to subsidize the top rate of income tax, to the unrealistically low level that it remains to this day. The money from these sales was squandered decades ago, but this tax rate has not gone back up. I wonder why? Could it be that our political system is totally corrupt? Could it be that our politicians regard the electorate as punters, to be ripped off? Do they look upon politics as a joke? The next time you watch proceedings in parliament, watch out for the jokers, those that take no interest in a speech or shout over it. Only ex-prime minister Sir Harold Macmillan protested with any effect, accusing HMG of selling off the family silver. In so doing it also sold off any decency it may have possessed. Our nationalised industries were paid for through taxation from all taxpayers, not just the rich. As such, the revenue from their sale belonged to the nation, not individuals. It should have been reinvested in research and development, leading to new wealth creating seed companies. This sale was a blatant act of fraud, for which no police officer had the guts to make an arrest. Profits from such investments should have gone into a sovereign wealth fund, invested in shares world wide. She also scrapped the wages councils, which is why many of you are now working for next to nothing. And of course our new prime minister Boris Johnson has openly offered bribes to Conservative MP's, to lower income tax for the rich, if they vote him into number 10 Downing Street, which they did with enthusiasm. I'm still waiting for him to be arrested. Time and time and time again I see gross misconduct in public office, and yet the police turn a blind eye. Since the electorate and police will do nothing, that leaves a military coup d'etat, doesn't it? Will our beloved prime minister reward all those working class northerners who voted him into office, by creating a sovereign wealth fund out of all the profits made from e-cars and nuclear fusion? I doubt it.

  209. Our prime minister was made head of the Conservative party because he was regarded as the entertainer, someone who would please the electorate and thereby generate votes. Sir Winston Churchill had a similar charisma with his speech making ability. They both however, cost the lives of many people through their reckless decision making. Gallipoli and Italy by Churchill, Covid-19 by Johnson. What politics needs are seriously minded intelligent people, but it's not what multi-party members want.

  210. At the time of writing this we have the Windrush scandal, where hundreds of Afro-Caribbean's find themselves deported from the UK, or threatened with deportation, simply because HMG's border guards never kept a complete record of who entered the country at the invitation of HMG. Also, there will be another police enquiry over the potential mass murder of 456 patients at Gosport War Memorial Hospital, a public enquiry into the haemophilia blood contamination outbreak forty years ago in which about three thousand people lost their lives, twenty-eight thousand infected by HIV or hepatitus C blood transfusions, whilst the Hillsborough football stadium disaster in which 96 spectators were crushed to death, has seen two inquiries and two inquests, and a trial almost thirty years later. And Brexit drags on and on and on. I never thought I could create so much havoc, and so much apathy by voting for it.

  211. Today our political system is plainly totally apathetic, incompetent and corrupt. I am right aren't I peasant? There you are, all working for next to nothing, with no competent management and no job security. It's all taxes, commuting costs, rent/mortgage and a trip to the charitable food bank or the bank of mum and dad. And all the time the threat of boom and bust, boom and bust, to screw up your plans. Is the quality of your life better than that of your parents? It should be, because that's what government's are for. To them politics is a joke, as they live it up in the pleasure palace of Westminster. For three years they did nothing over Brexit. Do nothing for two minutes in industry and you're fired, as happened to me once, as I stood there waiting to use a machine that someone else was using. Now is the time to sack the lot of them. Show no mercy, take no prisoners. Ignore what they say, but watch what they do. As for all you who always vote for the same political party, words fail me. This website is not for you. Just look at this list in the prime minister's in tray. HMG should be showing the way for other countries to follow. It's plainly obvious that our constitution is hopelessly out of date, by about a century I estimate. What is parliament. Parliament has its origins in the magna carta, sealed at Runnymede in 1215 by twenty-five barons and King John. It is basically a complaints department, which satisfies the masses by creating laws and regulations, in the days before telecommunications came along. Today, this work could be done via the internet on a government 'social networking' site. Our antiquated constitution is a deterrent to entrepreneurs and investors from abroad, who expect something far more professional. In the main, the only investors we attract are those looking for cheap semi-skilled labour, or somewhere to stash their ill gotten gains from the eyes of other governments.

  212. images intro/WC Royal Navy HMT_Empire_Windrush_FL9448.jpg
  213. WC: HMT Empire Windrush
    Brought migrant workers to the UK
    at the invitation of HMG

  214. When you look at this list, you know deep in your heart, that only a world technocracy can address these issues. It's time to put your religious values to the test. Ask yourself the question, "what right do I have to live in a relatively well off developed world, when at least one billion people are living in abject poverty and lawlessness around the world, with few modern amenities, many of whom are indirect victims of slavery and asset stripping (ivory, gold, etc.), imposed upon their nation in the distant past by the now developed world?" This injustice needs to be addressed, and the only way can be through a world technocracy, that would eliminate the barriers to building modern biomes, transport infrastructure and all the amenities we in the developed world take for granted, in order to create a world of equals, an egalitarian civilisation. Because equal opportunity in a world of ever growing automation is meaningless. A world technocracy now, is not.

  215. Just about every ethnic group on the planet has suffered from slavery at some time in the past. In recent years some have asked and demanded an apology and restitution. I regard that as unrealistic. If you want to see a fair egalitarian world, then a world technocracy is what to strive for.